Thursday 14 March 2013

FHE Working Bee

Today is FHE day and at about 4 this afternoon I still hadn't decided what our lesson was going to be on. As I got into the car to take the kids up to Freyberg School for Faith's piano lesson, it occured to me what we should do. An outdoor working bee. When I told the girls they were so excited cause they didn't know what a working bee was, but it had a cool name so they were keen.

Since the painting chaos has been going on inside our home, the outside has gotten a little out of hand. There were bikes, scooters,  trucks, toys all over the place, the vege garden was overgrown and very unruly. It was definitely time to tame the beast

The girls are always keen to lend a hand. They watched on intently as Daddy Joe put the 'chunking' down the wall to hid the TV cables

Adding more horsey poo to the garden to get it all charged up for next spring

The last veges we got before we pulled everything out.

Seffy's boil up for dinner (potatoes, silverbeet and sausage)

Next on the 'to do list'....tame the garage. That's always a job that Daddy Joe puts off and when he gets started he works out there for hours and gets grumpy about how much 'stuff/junk' we have. He gives me a hard time cause it's always my idea to work out there and I only last about 10 minutes before leaving him alone. In my defense that's because I come back inside to entertain the kids and keep them out of his way!


  1. Poor Seth is all I have to say about that :(

  2. He doesn't need your pity. He quite enjoyed it!
