Friday 8 March 2013

Baby blessing x 3

Last weekend was really special in our family. All 3 Heke Sissys had their gorgeous baby boys blessed at church. 

We started the weekend with a pool party for Mahnaya and Johnathon which was cool. So fun to all be there together with all the little cuzzies having so much fun.

Then on saturday we chilled out (with Mama's Donuts) and in the evening the Daddys went to the rugby game with the kids.

Sunday was the blessings and a family dinner.

Watching a movie while Daddy Joe cut Anaru's hair on the deck 

Cute lil' Monkey....Tanner David Rawleigh Elkington

Cuzzy bros.

TJay Te Aorangi Heke Skinner (hope I got that right Aunty Sarah)

First time in the big pushchair

Going for a walk around the block

By the time we got back I was holding the dressing gown, bags and shoes. Actually I think I was holding the pushchair too cause she fell over and cried up the driveway

The girls both got dressed up in their red, yellow and black for the rugby game, supporting waikato of course.

A little bit hard to tell here but Daddy Joe went as a 'tough guy' (with a little goatie!)

Best air bed ever!

3 of the Elkington Family just after Tanner's blessing

Aunty Sarah and Tyrael with sleepy TJay

Tanner was popular with the girlies after church

Ella got hold of Aunty Tan's makeup and off she went


Te Whatanui Tokukino Helaman Heke Skipper

2010 quads

'Can me hold him Aunty, he loves me!'

Seffy in his highchair (Grandad)

She spent the majority of the weekend in her cousins clothes and loved it

Jesus wants me for a sunbeam!

I am like a Star

What a wonderful Heke Weekend!
Thanks for letting me borrow your cammy Aunty Natty. Primo

1 comment:

  1. Look at all the dirty kiddy hand prints on the sliding door on that last pic!! That's what our ipad always ends up looking like lol... Love all the new little babies :) So cute! And so special having them all blessed on the same day too. Love the pic of the 2010 big kids now too. What a cool weekend
