Tuesday 26 March 2013

Seth's Operation

Today was D-day for my little man. He had his big op. I'm sure it was much scarier for me than him. Last night I couldn't settle thinking of packing his bag, trying not to forget the prior approval insurance form, his plunket book, the camera, change of clothes, food for after the op. I knew I'd forget something. I hoped I wouldn't sleep in. I hoped I wouldn't wake up to him crying and accidentally give him milk (he was supposed to be nil by mouth).

I was anticipating a grizzly drive in to the hospital as I'd woken him up at 6:15am and put him straight in the car. I should have known better. My boy looked at me and his Dad, smiled, and got into his carseat happy. He did the whole drive into the city happy and then the pre-op wait and chat with nurses, the anaesthatist and surgeon. Everything went perfectly. Such a blessing to be first on the surgeon's list. The nurse told me sometimes babies/toddlers are asked to get there are 8am and then have to wait until it's their turn on the list which can be up until 11am or even later. Talk about dumb, walking around the corridors of a little hospital with a hungry, tired baby. Not for my Seffy. He had a dream run.

I took him in to be put to sleep which was the scariest part but I knew I wanted to be with him and I'd regret it if I chickened out. They talked me through what was happening so I wasn't too concerned when he went all rigid and then immediately after flopped and felt completely lifeless. Sad but so gorgeous as I lay him up on the bed and gave him a big kiss before walking out.

Then time to kick back in his room and read magazines for 45 minutes. When they called me in to recovery he was doing a pathetic little cry so I snuggled him up and gave him some milkies. What a sleepy dog. He managed about 20mls of milk before needing another kip! Eventually we went back to his room and he slept on me for just over an hour. I loved every second of it!!!!! Everything had been so straight forward but I had one question before I left....why does he feel quite limp and like he can't hold his body, he felt like a big newborn with no body control. I wasn't too concerned because I was sure there was a good explanation for it, but they hadn't warned me about that so I had to ask. They said the bottom half of his body was numbed and his strength would come back during the day. He was so tired that he would just snuggle in and be sleepy for about 24 hours.

Day after op:

Boy did that turn out to be true. He slept for the drive home. Had yoghurt when he got in then slept for another 3 hours. Last night he slept from 5:45pm until 8:15am this morning.

He's got 2 little cuts that have dissolving stitches so all is well and he's on the mend. Very contented and his 'bubbliness' is returning.

Gosh I love you Seffy

Loving the wristband. And the little yellow hospital gown was covered in bright bugs. So cute!
Post Op snuggle

He finally woke up because the next child came out of theatre screaming like crazy. He never stopped for the whole next hour before we left.
Supposed to be getting dressed to leave but tired again! (Love those thigh rolls my Son!)
'Come on Mum, get me down to the carseat so I can have a good sleep'

Straight into bed next to Dad

A little bit disoriented but happy to be home.
 Everything went smoothly. Seth is all good, he's recovering well and our prayers were answered. Daddy Joe gave him a priesthood blessing the night before so we knew he was in safe hands and would be well cared for. Love having that 'super power' to get us through hard, tough, scary, bad times.

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