Saturday 23 March 2013

Hayden's 2nd Birthday

Parties are the best ever for the girls. Mention the word and you have their undivided attention. Today we went to Hayden's 2nd Birthday and they had a ball. I had a good chat with Hayley and Naomi (and family). It was a fun time out for the Heke Girls.

Big Bro Marcus

Princess Cuzzie Sophie (I think her Mummy called her a witch believe it or not!?!?!)

Ella loved wandering around the house with the helium balloons. Be brought 2 home with us and they've been walked around the house all afternoon

Group shot....tricky to say the least

Clever Aunty Hayley made this cake. Cute and Yum!!!!

The birthday boy with his Daddy

Cutey Conner

Sad Conner

The gorgeous birthday boy

Still not happy!

Didn't get a shot of cuzzie Ben looking at the camera. When I asked him to look, he went all shy cause he doesn't know me so I had to sneak this one.

Sweet cuzzie Ethan

In the driveway at home (followed by lots of tears of exhaustion)

I love to still have a couple of good friends from high school (literally 2!). Hopefully we'll stay in touch for years to come and our kiddies can keep seeing eachother as our families grow (older, not necessarily bigger!)

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