Saturday 9 March 2013

Sunday Arvo

Sundays in our home are a mixture of busy and restful, if that makes sense. Busy trying to get to church, a bit of both at church itself and then restful after (kind of).

Here's a bit of a photo diary of our sabbath today.

My big baby in her baptism dress about 3 and a half years too early. So cute to see her in the exact dress all her aunties got baptised in. Thanks for making it for us Mum

Ella knocked out at 3:30-5pm, bad timing for a nap but it was either that or grizzling non-stop through till 7 o'clock bedtime. (excuse the creepy headless pic)
Daddy Joe didn't need to be asked twice if he'd like an afternoon nap. In fact he came in the door from ward council at 3:20 an said 'sunday arvo sleep aye?' Yeah good one
Me and Faith cracked on and made dinner while the sleepy dogs snored away in the lounge. She did really well cutting the mushrooms and grating the cheese

Seth amused himself with an ice-cream cone in the highchair. Cheap thrills my man!

Faith's interesting smile of pride about the dinner she made
She even set the table too, with sharp knives for the adults and butter knives for the kids (her own idea) And we're having water bottles now cause the cups of water always end up on the floor which makes Daddy Joe get angry and he says we shouldn't have water at the table

 After dinner I couldn't hear Faith anywhere so I knew she'd snuck over to Charlie's. And I was right of course. When I called out, I said to Charlie 'what day is it?' and he looked at me with a guilty smile and said 'it's her church day'. It was so cute to hear him and realise that we are examples by the way we live. He seemed to care more about it than she did. 
As we walked back down the driveway I said to Faith she could look through the toy shop brochure and circle things she'd like to have one day. 
This is how I found the girls a few minutes later....

They want everything by the looks of it.

And now our sabbath is ending with a big mess of clean laundry on the lounge floor, a big pile of dirty laundry in the bathroom basket and a massive list on the bench of jobs to-do tomorrow to re-set for the week. Yuss!!!!!

I love sundays with my church and my family

1 comment:

  1. Me too, Mell. Best day of the week. Good helping faith! Ill have to get you to help me next time you sleepover. Maybe when Uncle Petes away. You can even stay in the big bed with me!! Cool :D
