Monday 22 April 2013

Latest happenings

Most mornings we stay and play at kindy for about 20 minutes so when I get home with Seffy he can go straight to bed.
In my 20 minutes I try and make a little activity for Faith and her friends to do. This morning we made a zoo with blocks and sorted the animals into different enclosures

Tears cause her little sister ruined her zoo and pinched her face :( That was our cue to leave Faith to play and take Ella home for consequences

We stole Mac and brought him back to our place for FHE last week. So fun to have him over. On our way back we had Faith's piano practice to he and Ella played with Lego in the waiting room

 Faith started Soccer 2 weeks ago. I bought boots off trademe for both the girls and they were so excited to go to practise with them last week...even though it was pretty cold and windy

Our FHE game tonight was the memory game. We put 14 things down on the ground and named them all, looked at them and then covered them with a blanket. The girls were really good at using their memory to list them while they were covered. Their faces lit up as they remembered things and we praised them for being so so clever. I'm sure this game will be a keeper!

Faith's just got to be in on everything. Even weedeating. She knows when Daddy Joe starts doing the yard she has to get boots on and safety glasses if she wants to be she's pretty speedy at that now. Ella on the other hand fluffs around putting clothes on for it and spends the whole time running in and out saying 'it's too louder Mum'

1 comment:

  1. lol cool pics :) whoa (is that how you spell that coz it looks really weird right now?) you do 14 things for the memory game? That's really good. We usually only manage 5 or 6!
