Friday 15 November 2013

7 years without Mumma

Today is 7 years since Mum died....stink, to say the very least!!!! I purposely haven't looked at pictures of her today like I usually do. I remember this time last year I did that and I ended up crying myself to sleep so I don't want that to happen again :(

Here's what we did do to mark the day...

Daddy Joe took Seth to the movies (Thor) this morning. He was keen and Seth was excited to leave the house. Unfortunately they came back in a couple of hours later and I found out that Seth had had a noisy meltdown with 20 minutes of the movie left so they had to leave. Now what I thought was going to be a reasonably cheap movie going to be an ultra expensive movie cause he wants to go to it again minus Seth!

Pretty excited to go on a girlies date to the Polkadots show at Sylvia Park. We caught the train at 3:56 into town and then had to get on another train about 15 minutes later to the mall. (also commemorating their trip out there last year with Uncle Pete and Aunty Beezy)

Shame!!!! Ella spent the whole second train ride staring at this couple. She even leaned over and stroked his arm a couple of times!!!

For the train ride back to Britomart we had friends.....the Shaws, McIntyres and Watts from Takapuna Ward

Ella was a little bit silly on the last leg home and everytime she could tell I was getting short tempered with her she'd scoot back to me and say sweetly 'I'll be really good when we go on the train next time Mum' When I asked if she could do really good this time she said 'no, next time Mum'




Don't worry, as soon as they got home they changed PJs

Mum, rub my back......why did that make me smile and think of Aunty Beezy?

Finally home. We walked in the door at 8:49 and the girls pretty much went straight to bed. I'm knackered and that was after 5 hours of sitting on trains and a bit of walking. How am I going to cope with the Walking Stars (for the Cancer Society) 1/2 Marathon in a couple of weeks?
It was a fun and tiring outing. Glad I did it cause the girls loved it. Faith's school was supposed to have their athletics day at the Trusts Stadium today. It was cancelled at the last minute because the stadium staff had forgotten they were busy preparing for a big public fireworks display tomorrow. The staff and parents were so angry that it hadn't been sorted out sooner than 8:45pm last night (parents had taken time off work and kids were so excited for it) that they apologised by giving each child a parent+child ticket to the show tomorrow. So Faith told me tomorrow we have to do 'swapsies' and it's Dad's turn to take them out. And I guess I'll be at home on Seffy duty. Sorry year you can do something special to help us remember your precious and beautiful Grandma Ormsby

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