Monday 25 November 2013

Daddy Daycare

When I work and my husband is home, it's a roll of the dice whether or not any housework gets done. The kids are always well looked after so that's wonderful, but usually my house suffers on those days. Tuesday last week was one of those days. I rushed in at lunchtime to enjoy a little bit of time with Ella and Daddy Joe. When I opened the door I wished I hadn't bothered to be honest. The doorstep was cluttered with shoes, bowls, a half eaten apple, the sink was FULL of breakfast dishes with new lunch ones piled on top. 
The curtains were closed, with my husband and Ella set up on the couch watching Man of Steel while sitting with a pot of chicken and rice on their knees (literally, in the pot). There were blocks and movies and books all over the floor and 2 baskets of washing (clean at least) emptied all over one of the couches.

I quickly ate my lunch, did the dishes and gapped it......hoping that between then and 4:30 when I got home that everything would have been fixed up. 

To my dismay when I walked in the door with hands full of grocery bags from the supermarket, my home was exactly as I'd seen it at lunch time, but now with a dirty nappy in the lounge and a few more clothes added to the floor.....oh man!!!

When kids walk to school they get a sticker when they get in the gate. Faith had been getting us to drop her off with about 500m to go so she could walk the last bit on her own. On this morning, she twisted her Dad's arm to walk the whole way there with Ella and Seth too.

Daddy make special smoothies with banana, yoghurt, milk and ice

It was after one of the daddy daycare days that we had a FHE about sharing and being happy to play with eachother. I think after a few days of being with the kids so much he realised there's a lot of bickering and 'I don't want to play with you anymore' So that's a positive that's come out of having Dad on baby duties while I do a few days at work.

The frustrating thing with the whole house situation is that I know he can mind the kids and do the housework because on some occasions he's done both really well. It's just not his preference. He'd rather play and relax than do washing, vacuum, make dinner etc as well as.......welcome to my life!

1 comment:

  1. lol, had to laugh at that post. bet the kids have so much more fun on those days than they do with you though! I know my boys would LOOOVVVVE to come to Uncle Jo's daycare x
