Friday 15 November 2013

Our special time with Spency

This is how excited I was to have Spency come over to our house while his Mum, Dad and Mac were at Uncle Heng's wedding a couple of days ago!!!

My goodness he came back to this plate for dinner about 10 times, not sure if that's cause he really liked it or cause after about 5 times I said there was no cake like he wanted, and so he'd have to have more dinner if he was still hungry

He loved Athletics and even ran in the last race for the 2 year old boys. I wish I'd put him in the first 2 though cause then he could have got better each time

Precious little Faith bumped her head on the playground after race one, then finally got off me and hurt her leg almost immediately. End of racing for her:(

Late night little bowl of BBQ shapes kept everyone quiet for all of 3 minutes. Spence wolfed his down first and then hopped off and walked between the girls stealing one at a time from their bowls

This pic makes him look really grumpy but it was just because the flash was hurting his eyes. He curled up here for a while and then scooted back down to the blocks (while yawning his tired little head off!)
We loved having you Spency. Talk about cute and easy!!!! And we loved your running commentaries on everything you were doing and thinking. Funny boy!!!!


  1. Thanks so much for having him!! I'm glad he behaved himself for you. He was soooooooo excited when we told him that he was going to play at your house - & all by himself too! Think that made him feel extra special :) Man does Seffy look like Joe or what!!

  2. Cool! I'm supposed to be getting up for church but thought I'd check my blogs instead. Didn't think theed be one so I was chugged to see this.
