Tuesday 24 June 2014


I was getting the washing in off the clothes airers a couple of nights ago (in the dark) and Ella followed me out onto the deck and asked 'Mum is there a nightmare out here?' I didn't really know what she meant by that so I asked 'what do you mean?' Her reply 'You know, is there nightmare cats/night meerkats out here?' 'Um, I'm not sure what they are so I don't know if they're out here darling'
Not sure if she meant nightmare cat or night meerkat? In anycase....what the heck?!?!?!?!

Last week Daddy Joe had a day off work so I asked him to get the groceries so I could stay at home with Dallin. He did it at Faith's pick up time and took Ella and Seth with him. So they left at about 2:45 and I expected them home about 4:15. They ended up coming in at about 5:30pm so I thought they'd gone and done other things as well as the groceries, but no, they'd just been at Pak n Save for a really, really long time. Lucky I didn't send Dallin as well!!!! While Joe was putting the shopping away, Ella came up to me and said in a really exhausted tone 'Mum, Dad took ages!!!!!! He really doesn't know how to do Pak n Save, don't let him do it again!'

After our long drive down to Te Haroto and back in 24 hours, Bobby said to me the next day 'Mum, next time we go to the marae can we go to a different one that's not down such a big street' Sure was a big street honey!

Last night she did our family prayers and she really wanted Uncle Ammaron's ears to be ok, and Aunty Sarah and Aunty Bex to have a good day. I love hearing the girl's prayers and what they think to say each day.

Today Bob had a sport day at the park across the road from her kindy. When I told her she had to wear green for her team colour and we couldn't think of anything she has that's green, she started whinging 'you need to buy me something'. Sorry Darling, you've got a stingy Mum like I'm pretty sure I had. I went through her brother's drawers and she had to wear a 2 year old t-shirt and 3 year old jacket.....perfect!

My bobby has always been such a good 'player'. She's really creative and loves to  potter around with toys, cars, blocks, puzzles. Yesterday it was little marble things that she kept filling her socks with.

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