Monday 2 June 2014

May Family Date night + Nail Shop (finally!)

Date night for April was a little bit of a non-event but we still officially did it. No photos cause it was just dinner when all the kids were in bed and sitting the lounge watching TV together. Not that spectacular, but all we could manage at the time.

May date night snuck in just in the nick of time, on Friday night, in the form of a family date to McDs. When I told the girls on the school drop off that they could come on our date night and it was to McDs for dinner you would have thought I'd just told them we were going to Disneyland or something. They both started shaking their fists and shouting 'yay!!!!!' Glad it only takes $40 to excite our kids that much. I'm sure that will change with time so I'll enjoy it while I can! And Daddy Joe got home from work at 3pm so we were able to pick up Seth and Ella from kindy and go straight there. All over and on our way home at 6:10pm to get ready for bed...doesn't get much better than that!

One of my fave dinners of all time....don't think that'll ever change

Dallin wasn't too fussed about her first trip to McDs

Some more noteworthy news for our family....Ella went through the night without wetting her nappy!!!!!! She's done it about 3 or 4 times before but never managed to make it a regular enough thing for me to put her in knickers confidently so she's still in a 'sleepy nappy' every night. We've decided that in the interests of saving the bin from filling up with nappies, and cost, we're going to get on top of this now. Oh and the fact that she's 4!

I dangled the carrot of 'if you have a dry nappy in the morning I'll take you to the nail shop to get your nails done'. That's like heaven for Bob, something she's always wanted to do so I knew it would be a winner. And it was but she just couldn't do it for 3 nights. Finally on the 4th night she got it so yesterday (Queens Birthday monday) I trundled off down to the mall with Ella, Faith and Seth for nail painting and fluffies. So so so exciting! The only thing that kind of killed it was that Seth wasn't interested in the nails and made it super unenjoyable for me. Thanks son.....If she earns a toe painting next weekend you're not coming!

Ella wanted each nail a different colour, I had told her she could have a colour for each hand but she ended up just settling on one afterall

Now that she's finally had them done I hope she'll see that having longer nails looks nicer and stop biting the poor little things

Predictable Ella didn't like it, took one sip and pushed it away and said 'Ewww'. What the heck?!?!!

Bobs ended up sipping up some of the choccie milk on the table instead of drinking the actual fluffy
This morning she was supposed to get a pair of princess shoes (that I forgot to give her for her birthday), but her nappy wasn't quite dry so she'll have to try again tonight. Not sure how long I'll have to go with the bribes, but hopefully not long cause I can't afford to keep having rewards every morning!

Looking forward to the relief on the bin it will be though. Sometimes I open it and all I can see is nappies....we go through about 10 a day around here at the moment, sometimes more!

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