Saturday 7 June 2014

Stuff Lately x8

Ella with her bag of birthday treats for her kindy class

We didn't go to the Athletics Prizegiving cause it was on a sunday but last week this arrived in the mail

So chuffed it came for her cause she's definitely the speediest little 3 year old girl there. I thought  Faith might feel a little disappointed that she hadn't gotten a medal as well, but I needn't have worried about my big girl, as she quickly said 'Congratulations Ella, I'm so proud of you'. What a sister!

A couple of weeks ago a lady and her daughter were tragically killed a couple of streets away from us. From what I've read since she sounded like such a lovely lady so we went to a candle light vigil down at the community centre for her on Friday night (promoting speaking out about family violence). We love Ranui!!!!!

For how unsettled Dallin is, she sometimes surprises me when I quickly put her down in a noisy lounge on the floor or bean bag to rush and do something, and when I come back to her, she's put herself to sleep. Hardly a hope of her doing that in her warm, cozy bed!

I love how now that we have 4 children, lots of our clothes, towels, wraps and blankets have been used for all 4 of them. Maybe one day I'll do a post with different babies wearing the same things.
This towel is one of those such items. (Dallin above, Faith below)

Our new supie opened up on Swanson road in the weekend, definitely in walking distance (but we've been there twice since it opened and driven both times....once cause it was dark and once cause we were coming home from somewhere else!). So nice to have a supermarket this close

Last week at church a friend of mine gave me (Seth) a bag full of toy cars from her son. The kids were so excited they walked in the door and started playing with them right there and then. Didn't even make it to the lounge! We've never had many cars before so it was pretty exciting for us

They've spent the week in a container in the lounge and they're pretty much all Seth's played with

Empty night time nappy treat (only the second time!)

 Faithy got looms from the $2 shop today (the new craze for children) which she earned for doing good bedtimes this week. She's been fixated with them all cool! I hate to be a downer cause she's loving it so much but I've been picking them up off the floor ever since we got home with them, so now they're only going to be allowed out when she's sitting in one place, not walking around with her container (and Seth the destroyer is in bed)

Love how it teaches her to concentrate and create at the same time. She's so proud of the bracelets she's made so far.

This was her pozy for a couple of hours this afternoon, while we were all inside watching a movie. She had to escape from her little bro and sis who were annoying her while she was trying to concentrate

One night last week I put Dallin in the rocker while I nipped down to the girl's room to put them in bed (scriptures, prayer, song....10ish minutes). I heard Dallin fussing in the lounge which got progressively louder. By the time I got there she'd petered out, whilst half falling out of the rocker!

Why does she never fall asleep like this in her bassinet? Go figure!

1 comment:

  1. Man if you just looked at the pics it'd look like Dallin's a great sleeper aye!! And she looks so adorable when she is too!! That's so cool about speedracer's medal for athletics. No one else was even in the competition with her for that one! And cool that Seffy got given a bag of cars lol...must be so nice for him to have his own boys toys in that house full of girls :) That supermarket's not at the library corner is it?! Cutie Pod with her loom stuff...mac hasn't asked for that yet, but I was wondering if he would cause everyone else seems to be doing it! Won't buy it for him till he asks though now that you've said about finding the elastics all over the place!
