Tuesday 24 June 2014

The end of an era...

I think this little table has been in our family for about 18 years!!!!! And who knows, it could have been around 18 years before that cause Aaron and Cassie got it given to them second hand from Mum's cousin when they got married. It eventually went from them to Renee and Stan, and from them to us. 
We've had it about 6 years and it's looking pretty rough these days :( 
It was finally time to bid it farewell yesterday (well relegate it to the deck for now) and make way for a table that can actually cater for our family of 6. 
Pretty exciting but a little sad to see this good old faithful be put out to pasture! I hadn't told the girls we were getting it (Daddy Joe bought it home after work when they were already asleep) so they were pretty stunned when the walked out this morning and saw it, and Seth's spent the day trying to walk up and down it.

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