Thursday 6 November 2014

Amazing Weekend Getaway (break from the kids)

Having husband and wife time is super duper important to of the reasons why I've always made sure my babies sleep in their own beds and get down at a reasonable hour. I love to relax in the lounge with my hubby, when he's not at work late or out at a meeting which happens a fair bit.

Things have been a little strained for us lately and without going into details, Daddy Joe thought of something that might help. A weekend away at the Mt without our children....awesome!

So with the amazing help of Aunties and Uncles, everything came together and we spent 2 whole nights alone. No babies, no distractions, no demands that we usually face at home. Just what we needed.

The Halloween Grinch!!!! Only cause we were going away though, honest!

 A whole day of alone time....sleep in, wandering the mall, watching a DVD, walking around the Mt, soaking in the hot pools, dinner in town. Sooooo good!

One of my all time fav lunches.....a filled french stick

We ended up watching this straight through once and then probably spent another hour skipping to funny bits to watch them again....loved it! 

Missing Aunty Natty and the boys

Not sure what he was doing on his phone on our dinner date.....

I kept getting on to Instagram to re-look at pics of Dallin that Aunty Sarah was putting up

Medium rare? More like raw!!!! We had a little argument over whether this was ok or not to eat. I said no way, he said it was fine. It ended up being sent back to be cooked more. I don't think I've ever sent anything back but look at how raw that is!!!

For whoever goes to the caravan next, here it is....

 Back to our babies at Fend Street

Took me 4 loads to get through all the washing over the next 3 days.....all worth it

Photos that Aunty Sarah put on IG while we were away. Must have had a quick squizz at them at least a hundred times

Didn't like the boys clothes?!?!?!

Heke Cuzzies at the Chartwell Ward Halloween Party

And just to finish off, it cracked me up how Faith said to her primary class when she shared some news.... 'I'm staying at my Aunty's house cause my Mum and Dad needed a break!!!!' Too true my love. It was so good to be away and so so good to get back to you and your brother and sisters.

1 comment:

  1. Cool pics! That steak was so rare - as I was just scrolling through the pics I thought it was beetroot until I read what you had written! Gross :( I saw some of those pics that Sarah had put on facebook from the trunk n treat & I was looking at the baby in the bike tshirt thinking 'whoa that baby looks like Dallin' & I was trying to remember who'd had a boy baby around the same time as her lol
