Tuesday 11 November 2014

Visit from the Elkingtons

We had such a cool visit from Aunty Bex, Tyrael, Riyan, Naya and Tanner on the weekend. Too bad it was one of the rare times that Daddy Joe's away for work so he missed the whole thing, but we're so glad they decided to come anyway. There was lots of laughs, costume changes, running in and outside, watching DVDs, eating snacks......cool as fun time!

A quick make up sesison before Aunty Bex and Tanner went to visit Lei

Doorstep morning tea (that's a dress we put on Seth a few weeks ago for a laugh and now when he sees it he calls it 'Deppy Dress' and insists I put it on him.....Daddy Joe not impressed!)

The big kids wanted to do some home school

The middle girls changed clothes, played babies and pretended to do eachother's makeup.....both so visual and strong minded

We made some fresh scones and went for a walk over to drop them off with Lei and her parents. So nice meet them and have a quick visit with Lei

Inseparable! My sweet girl even had a little cry after he left and all I could hear through her snivels was 'I'm so sad that Riyan's gone home!'

Strolling back through Ranui with my motley crew

Looking out Seth's window at John cutting down the trees by my car

Not an overly exciting BBQ, but just had to document my first one ever.....I turned it on and everything by myself!

Heading home (too soon.....lol!)

About half an hour after they left this is how I found my girls.....

Weekends don't get any better than chilling out with cuzzies playing and adults chatting......so please come back real soon!

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