Tuesday 11 November 2014

Stuff Lately x 18

The tooth fairy has been sooo slack around here. Poor Faith had to wait about 6 weeks to finally get her payment for 4 teeth. I couldn't let her down when this night I was checking on the girls before I went to bed and found that she'd put her tooth pillow out again still hoping for something in the morning. The squeals of joy in the morning were worth the 20 minutes it took me to find the cash the night before

A new Pak N Save opened up at Westgate and it was totally worth the drive up there......as usual with my little bakery lovin' girl

Aunty Nae and I went to Aunty Natty's to help her clear out before they moved to Australia.....was cool that we got to bring home books, toys, clothes and stuff. Look what those little critters had thrown ot of their playroom window!

Thanks Aunty Natty!!!!! Was like Christmas.....and I even saved some things and put them in the cupboard so they actually will be for Christmas!
Leaving Dinner for Aunty Natty and the boys on Aunty Nae's blog here

She slept on the ground like this for about 3 nights because she was so excited about her monkey sleeping bag. She'd probably still be doing it if I didn't insist she get back in her bed!

Dilly's first trip to Parakai....and first time ever in a pool

The Summerland Run4Fun that we went to last week was so awesome. I told the girls to walk by me cause there was so many people but of course they ran off straight away. Thankfully they stayed with the group and had a blast

My two lil walking buddies

By the time we got back Dallin was totally over it....she started screaming on the home stretch so I had to run them all the way back down Summerland Drive. Thankfully people could hear her distress and moved out of the way for the wide load to get through!

Mac after his primary presentation. Loved watching him and Pence up the front....Proud Aunty!!!

First time teaching in Faithy's room........so exciting for both of us

1 comment:

  1. All super cool pics! So stoked Pod finally got her teeth money!!! About time lol
