Tuesday 11 November 2014

FHE - Fire Safety and Fireworks

Daddy Joe decided we should do afternoon, broad daylight fireworks. When I told the girls this while we were having dinner, Faith said our lesson beforehand should be about fire safety. Awesome thinking my darling!

How could a fire start in our home?
stove, heaters, hair straightener, candles, little sticks you use for putting the fire on cakes that you swish

What should you do if there's a fire in our home?
Faith 'call 911 straight away'

Lucky we had this lesson obviously!

We talked through yelling for help, dropping down and getting out really fast, running to the letterbox, calling 111 and saying our address.......Ella 'why do you call where we live a dress?' Haha

When we started doing the pretend phone calls I'd say 'where are you?' to which Faith would reply 'at home'. Now she's all prepared for a fire emergency at our house, even though I hope we never have to put this learning into action. When we kept going on about it she started saying 'stop, I don't want to hear more about it, it's not very nice'.

So with that, we went onto fireworks on the driveway.......what a laugh that was (for everyone except Dilly who was super scaredy and cute while we were out there.......which I secretly loved cause she gave me yummy cuddles the whole time)

I'm a big scaredy cat when it comes to anything fire related, so lucky we had Daddy Joe to take the lead for this activity. If it was up to me, Fireworks wouldn't be done around here, yes, I'm the fireworks grinch....I'll own it, although I do love to watch the kids squeal get massive kicks out of doing them. Would totally recommend doing them in the daylight too....no tears or angst over them at all. Probably would have been a different story if we'd done it like we usually do at 9pm-ish. Must remember that for next year when we do it all over again I'm sure.

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