Wednesday 26 November 2014

Stuff Lately x 19

Saturday we had such a fun afternoon with Aunty Nae, Hayley and Naomi and all of their little crazies (+ my crazies!). Loved it. Already excited to do it again in the new year
Baby Dilly with her new bestie!

This is what happens when you give a 2 year old monkey a chocolate icecream.......we watched out the kitchen window while he smeared all the melted icecream all over himself and giggled at cool he thought he was.....flippn' egg

A sneaky Friday date to see the new Hunger Games movie. I was quite taken by this massive Lindor chocolate ball

I kept telling Joe he should've bought this bike for $50 rather than the one he got. Could've saved some money honey

While at the A & E for Dilly last week. I look up to see Ella posing on the bed.....just before she whispered in my ear (with the Dr in the room) 'He's so handsome Mum'.
What?!?!?!? He was about 50!
Then she started walking around the hallway singing 'Trash the hotel, let's get drunk on the mini bar'

Dinner doesn't get much better than this. Best salad ever in a french stick. The kids would beg to differ though

Doing a samaoan sitting dance at pod assembly on the day I was teaching my precious Faithy

When I came out of the room to supervise lunch I couldn't find her anywhere. I was looking at the wrong groups of girls though.....she was with 6 boys!!!!! They were all trying to scoff their lunch down so they could go and play handball
A couple of weeks ago I woke up to a little boy giggling outside my bedroom window. Turns out it was this little critter seeing that his Daddy brought a big 'Cuck' home from work

Although he loved the big cuck, he screamed for about 20 minutes after Dad left cause he was so upset that he'd gone to work without his own truck

Been thinking of some old games we used to play. Loved this one.....Uncle Carl's Happy Families Card game. 

Daddy Joe said we should try and clean up our diet so this is what he got for dinner the next day. The kids loved it, well the chicken at least!
A late night trip to the Dr on Sunday meant everyone at home Monday and exhausted at 3pm so this is how the girls ended up while I chatted on Skype to Aunty Beezy and Grandie. All the kids sleeping at the same time for 2 hours.....AMAZING! (But also kinda annoying cause it was 3-5pm. Lucky they were still pretty had it and they all went down again at 7:30pm)

My messy faced, constipated big girl who loves to sit in the highchair 

Now she's on teething granules before every sleep, antibiotics for both ears being infected, a natural remedy for constipation and 1/2 a kiwifruit a day! So much happier than towards the end of last week when she pretty much grizzled through 3 days straight :(

What can I say except give me strength?!?!?!
The kids were lucky enough to convince me to give them ice-creams for afternoon tea a couple of days ago. 
Maybe they didn't really want them afterall cause somehow my lil' Dilly ended up with someones. This lucky ducky loved it!

As long as this kid is here I know he's safe. If his feet are on the ground he's running, chasing dogs, seeking out puddles to jump in....

I've always had the kids immunized when they're due, but with Dallin and kindy and work it's been a bit of a juggle and I was really running late with the 5 month ones. So much so that a couple of plunket 'outreach' nurses came over and asked if they would do it at home. Um, yeah!!!!! So we've had one visit at home, and today was our 2nd one. Today was even better than when they did it in the lounge last time, as you'll see from the pics.....

Doesn't get much more exciting than playing around in a plunket bus for half an hour on a boring weekday morning!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome deal getting plunket to come to you lol - & in a cool bus too!! Crack up about Ella saying the 50 year old doctor was handsome - was she right?!
