Tuesday 12 January 2016

Christmas/Boxing Day

Joe at his Western Springs birthday picnic lunch....35! No grey hair in that light Aunty Natty!

I don't even eat bernaise sauce but here it is. I feel like it's only a matter of time before this little card disappears into the abyss of stuff in my home!

Miss Goldie Princess getting ready to go to bed on Christmas Eve. Not long before Dalls really stuffed up her peaceful sleep in Sethy's bed

Uncle Joe drew the short straw and slept in the tent on Christmas Eve with all the little ones...cuzzy chaos right there

This pic gives the illusion of calm, but it was anything but. Apparently they were mucking around, watching movies & eating choccies till midnight. Well past 10:30 when I'd put all the presents out and gone to bed. Might have to make this a tradition!

The tree was out on the deck on it's lonesome :(

Sweet pressie from Ella to Faith...Avengers Uno. We've had so much fun with it

Boxing Day at the Beach with the Hekes

Interesting way to clean up sandy Julie there Pete!

Dad with Uncle Ben having their first catch up in years....so funny to hear them reminisce.

I said to Beezy when she left at 1:45 that we might start driving home around 5. I think I took this pic at 7 and we hadn't even started walking back yet.

A long, tiring, sandy day, but so so so good.

Would love to have the Duncans living down the road. Such a cool family!

Just had to put this in here cause this is how these 2 spend most of the day if we're at home....'Savannah, Savannah!!!!!!'

1 comment:

  1. Man feels like Christmas came & went so quickly!!! Wish we could slow down the rest of the holidays coz I think they're gonna be over before we know it :( Love cuzzy/family time - especially in the summer when we can be out & about having fun. See you tomorrow!! Am loving having Ella Bella here with us x
