Monday 25 January 2016

Stuff Lately x 30

90 % sure we're gonna start guitar lessons this year. Just gotta save up for the first term so we can buy the guitars first! Music lessons aren't cheap!

Dad got her ready for bed this night (obviously?!?!) Not a bad idea cause their room was like a sauna. When are we moving to Australia....never!

Super exciting when Dad comes in with a surprise lunch of BK. They almost got into the bag they were so excited

Faith's new fave job....ticking off the books on the library receipt before we return them
So cute to watch this boy go rock climbing with his sissy, especially when he sat down on the mat to listen to the instructions. He looked all grown up all of a sudden and I felt sad he's not my baby anymore :(. Kinda awkward, but just have to point out that Joe put Ella's harness on way too tight, hence the big bulge in her leggings!

2nd Wendy's in 3 days I think

He's got to write his name when he gets to Kindy every morning so we're practising at home now

Jaimee-Munroe's Aloha cool!

I've hidden this for the last 3 months or so but now it's been put in the back of my car to bin. Was good while it lasted Grandie, but now it's like a magnet for everything, and the girls love wearing it on the hottest of days!

Fruit for the!

$5 of going bad fruit and I can make smoothies for days!

This doesn't really show how bad Faith's face was but she came in yesterday from Patty's cause the dog licked her face....just proves that she's really allergic to dogs. It' puffed it right to her eye and took about 5 hours to come down

Delicious new dinner (for Joe and I at least)
Spicy roasted chickpeas on homemade pits breads
Lettuce and tomatoes from the garden of course, every night at the moment I'm getting something from the garden

New dessert creation, sweet pastry with mascarpone, lemon honey & peaches + custard.

Books for Ella D

Books for Faithy K
Don't think I'll ever Duraseal again! Still got a sore back from doing it for so many house yesterday!


  1. Love Pod's outfit in the first photo - did you make her wear that? And their new party outfits :) That's so cool that they're gonna do guitar!! Hope they get good really quickly so we can have them play at family get togethers :) Poor Ella with her bulge! That would've been so uncomfortable! the dinner & dessert looks so yummy! Whats mascarpone? I've seen it heaps but have no idea?!

  2. Jules has those pants in the first photo too. I love them. Man i think thats the first time ive ever seen ella not wearing any pink or purple haha. Lol t the bulge. Yum dinner and dessert alright!. That purple coat and faiths poor face! Man youve got the best excuse for never getting a smelly pooch! 👍
