Thursday 21 January 2016

Post Post Christmas

2nd Annual Trip up north to Awarua with Dad 

Thanks Aunty Natty! Youcam win!

One of my holiday jobs was to put all the kids keepsake stuff into 1 box. So happy with these ones that I ended up getting

New Years day was pretty low low key that I found these guys kipping our on my bed at one stage

And this is how the lounge stayed for most of the day. Loved the Buzz challenge

Pretty gross pic but this doesn't even do a fraction of justice to how bad Dall's random spew was one night. Not cool Dalls!

Julie Papoolies 1st Birthday party (after we got back from Parakai).

This girl looks more edible than her cake!

One last night time snuggle with Aunty B before she headed back to Oz :(

Super duper sad that the Stoners went home :(

Better for a moment when we found Macs iPad in the car. I think they'd sit like this 24/7 if we had one! And they'd probably all have black eyes and bite marks over iPad fights.

Money for our Goldie Julie Account. We will get day....Promise!

Flippn' delicious breakfast the day after the party....sticky date pudding dripping with cream. Could do with a big bowl of that right now!

Chips from Julie's party 2 days later!!!!

Some pics from my other cammy....

Joolie Papoolie

'I can't sleep Mum cause I really miss Julie'

On Saturday we had the coolest family date with the Duncan's. Gotta go to Sydney (Woolongong) one day!
Phoenix and Faith (2 peas in a pod)

Ella and Lorenzo (2 peas in a different pod)



1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness those piccies of faithy babes post holidays blues are to die for! the youcam of dalls! 😂😂😂
