Monday 4 February 2013

A house of Faith

Last night we continued on with our series of 'a house of.....' Faith was the focus, although it was hard to focus :)

We had Aunty Natty, Jordy and Kyky over and so the kids pretty much sang the song and then danced around, played with blocks and did everything but listen to me. So I carried on talking to myself again!!!

I tried to teach how Faith is like a little seed and we can help it grow bigger by...reading scriptures, following the prophet, saying prayers, going to church. We drew a seed and it grew into a big tree with all the things we were feeding it (the list above)

I asked Faith if Heavenly Father was a real person or a pretend person. I was quite interested to hear her response because she often talks about how things are pretend like aliens in movies, toy animals etc. Straight away she said he's real. I asked how she knew cause she hasn't seen him, trying to point out that she has faith that he lives even though she's never seen him. She said to me 'I have seen him when I was a baby'. I think her and Daddy Joe have been talking about how before she was a baby she lived with Heavenly Father in the spirit world. Man she's a sponge, it's amazing to me how much children learn and retain even when you wonder if they're listening or if their ears are just painted on!

We finished off by talking about why she's called Faith and she got her big cheesy grin when I told her about her Faithful Grandma Ormsby.

1 comment:

  1. Good girl Faithy Babe. You learn so good from your Mum and Dad! Grandma would be so happy about that x
