Sunday 24 February 2013

Stem Cell Transplant

About 2 or 3 months ago Daddy Joe got a call to say he was a bone marrow match for someone and would he be willing to donate. We didn't really know what it involved but after hearing how it could save someones life with little or no impact on Daddy Joe we decided for him to go ahead with it. Apparently the recipient is of polynesian decent and living in France.

So he had quite a lot of appointments to get ready for it. Lots of blood tests and an exray. 

Eventually it seemed that everything was ready to go ahead. He'd inject himself morning and night for 4 days before the procedure (to boost his stem cells). We had to travel with our little medicine box full of ice and cold gel bags, which was a little tricky, but worked out fine.

I hope everything goes well for the man who needed the transplant!!!!

On the day he was hooked up to the machines for about 5 hours and we caught the last 1/2 hour to take some pics.

This arrived by courier one afternoon and had to go straight into the fridge (full of injections for 4 days)

I offered to help with this when I saw him doing the first one but I was secretly hoping he'd do it himself (and he did thank goodness)
Set up for 5 hours like this. They gave him a portable DVD player and brought him snacks so he was sweet

Making themselves at home in the cafe area. The grumpy volunteer lady was not impressed at all how they were opening the container and taking out bikkies.

His little Filipino nurse was too cute. He gets lots of chances to use his tagalog, and it always seems to be in hospital type places. I always feel like I'm in good hands when I'm with a Pinoy cause they're so kind and gentle and well qualified (Aunty Beezy some of the phlebotomists were Drs in the Philippines!!!)

Faith thinks this pic of Seffy's eyes is hilarious. She loves to mimic it.

Our neighbours brought over a crayfish and kina last sunday night. Scary!
Jess gave us some favourites chocolates for christmas and they said 'to the world's best neighbours from the world's second best neighbours. My goodness she totally got it around the wrong way. They are so amazing. Whenever they go fishing they bring some over. And we're getting our paint and DIY supplies at about 1/2 the price they would otherwise cost cause Matt works at Carters. What a blessing. Their generosity is amazing. I wonder if Matt's regretting telling us that cause I swear every second day it seems Daddy Joe's gone in to get something new from him!

1 comment:

  1. WOW Joe saved someones life:) Yum Kina and crayfish you guys do have lovely neighbours:)
