Wednesday 6 February 2013

Uncle Pete's Pool Party (aka Waitangi Day)

With all the controversy and protesting that goes on each year for Waitangi Day, we didn't quite know what to expect this year. Who would walk John Key onto the Marae grounds? That was the big question!

Nah, All we were actually excited about was Pete being walked out to his surprise pool party by his beautiful and sneaky wife!!!!

We had such a fun time party planning over the past few weeks and the actual party lived up to our expectations completely. Beautiful weather, yum food, great company. Who cares what happened with Tittyfai (sp?!?!!) and her pathetic family.

As party boy walked in....

Lollipop octopuses

Dad repping Waitangi Day with his Maori t-shirt

The watermelon shark almost didn't make it out to the table cause Renee didn't think it was good enough. Are you serious? It looks cool as!!!

Goldfish take home treats (filled with favourites)

Seffy chilled in the carseat for a while, then fresh peach off grandie's tree, then a big sleep on Grandie's bed

Lemon boats

25 years of living in this house and no child has ever fallen in.....until Spency did today. Stan caught his leg as he fell in head first. Daddy Joe jumped in clothes and all!!!!

Grandie was chuffed the kids were enjoying the pool he works so hard to have looking like this

Fishing......Jordy did this for about 3 hours straight - seriously!

Faithy hooked a big one!

Aunty Nae's mean camera!!!!

Best behaved child award goes to.........Seth Cromwell!

The nemo pinata that Faith and I made

Turned into a lolly scramble cause the twine holding it up kept breaking

Dad and Petey doing the customary calf comparison

Delicious cake. (had it at 10pm last night and this morning for breakfast too!)

Although this was reminiscent of Renee's old February Pool parties, it was on a much bigger and better scale. Sad it's been and gone now :(

I asked Faith what she wanted for her party this year and she said a pool party. Um, not sure how to sort that out my love! 
August lends itself to rain and we don't have a pool. Can't even go back to Grandie's for it cause it should be gone by then and the Ensign Place will be sitting in the bank!!!!!
Might have to brainstorm different ideas

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