Saturday 9 February 2013

Stake Conference

3 times now I've been in a Stake Choir Conference mainly so I can sit through the meeting without having to be with my family. Sad but true. Sacrament time is always so frazzling and I know that this is one time that I will be able to sit, listen, ponder, breathe without being pulled this way and that with my little baby dolls. I'd say to any Mums with toddlers it's worth the 5 weeks of practises beforehand to have that glorious 2 hour meeting child-free!

Unfortunately this time it didn't work out quite how I'd planned. Almost 2 weeks ago we found out that Daddy Joe was assigned to speak. Cool, but it thwarted my plans. Now I'd have to sit down with my family and walk up to just to sing for each of my 3 songs and Daddy Joe would  be with us until his talk.  Not ideal :(

As it turns out, the family that we take to church every week ended up having the kids (all 3 of them!) for the entire meeting so we actually sat together on the second row and got to enjoy it together for the whole 2 hours....even better!!!!!

The singing went well, so I was told. I really do like being part of the choir, seriously.

Daddy Joe's talk was awesome, the best I've heard him give. At the start I was trying to figure out how to get his attention cause he was talking so fast it was hard to understand what he was saying. Not long into it he slowed down and relaxed thank goodness, so everyone could hear the great message that he'd prepared.

It was about being obedient to our Father in Heaven. 
He covered things like how Nephi was obedient to go and get the brass plates
Abraham was obedient in sacrificing his son (almost!)
Obedience brings forth blessings, shows our righteousness and unlocks more knowledge for us
When Priesthood holders are obedient they are more able to carry out their responsibilities and help those in need (be worthy to give blessings). Grandad Kel got a mention here about how he had Jared to give him a blessing when he had his heart attack. And Seth got a blessing from Grandad Sonny and his Daddy when we thought he could possibly be deaf.
D&C 82:10 I the Lord am bound when ye do not what I say but when ye do not what I say ye have no promise.

Our Stake President gave a bold and clear message at the end about tithing. He said out of his 8 years in this calling, he's never felt so strongly prompted to share a specific message.  He talked about how it's money that we rightfully earn but it's not ours to appropriate as we choose therefore if we don't pay it we are guilty of embezzlement (misappropriating funds). Well I suppose we can actually choose, because we always have that right, but it's not the right thing to choose.
Sometimes people come to church, do hometeaching, attend activities, partake of the sacrament but are not able to declare themselves as full-tithe payers. He blatantly said that's not good enough. 
We have a clear conscience in that regard and it feels good. But it's nothing to feel proud or complacent about because as he said sometimes people do it for a time and then fall into the trap of thinking they'll stop for a while. And we shouldn't pay tithing and expect direct blessing for if I pay my tithing I expect I'll be blessed with the better paying job that I want. 
We should pay it out of obedience and love. Afterall, all that we have is blessings from the Lord in the first place. We shouldn't fool ourselves into thinking we got it on our own.
Food for thought.....and more regular fast offerings will be coming from this home now.

I was going to finish this post with a handsome photo of my husbunny in his church clothes but he's just made the girls noodles for lunch and so he's stripped down to his lavalava. Will have to do that another time.

1 comment:

  1. Cool. I wish we could have heard Jo Bros talk. I bet it was a goodie. I can imagine that would be one of the main reasons I'd be in the choir too! x
