Thursday 8 May 2014

Baby Dallin's blessing day

Why is it that when you want your baby to have a little sleep and the house is a chaotic shamble, they always have the best sleep ever - about 3.5 hours!!! This was taken just before I woke her to get ready for church (and there was about 30 people making a whole lot of noise around the house)

Aunty Nae was clever enough to be able to write down some of the blessing and I'm so pleased to have it. None of the other babies have any record of there's so Dallin's a lucky ducky to have this.
Bless you to be healthy & strong. That you will grow & develop. Bless your mind & intellect to be clear. That you will especially be familiar to the words of your Heavenly Father & see truth for what it is. Bless you that you will be serviceable & useful, & that you will share & preach the gospel especially as others inquire about your name. Bless you that you will always seek to do the right & that in the end you will find that that is the only way to go

Biggest Heke Grandbaby and littlest Heke Grandbaby

My customary kitchen shot...sans apron!

There's the apron thief


Love it when the Heke's and Ormsby's get together. Faith was quite put out that Mac was calling Riyan his cousin but she warmed to the idea when I reminded her that we can all be family and Shylah can be her cousin too!

My son (+ tracks)

The audience's reaction to Grandie's opening speech

No food shots, but it was an awesome spread of dinner and dessert (as usual of course)

Aunty Tan and Dilly. Do my children have lots of amazing Aunties or what?!?!

The party girl ended up being put in the lounge to have a little nap (with one eye open)

One of my favourite kind of days. Wish every sunday could be so special and family filled.
(and the deck cover was perfect!!!!, will have to do a special post on the finished project soon)

Oh, and this icecream deserves a special photo cause I've had it every day since the blessing. Thanks Uncle Jonathon, lime swirl is way up there for me

And here's a few shots of Dallin and Ella when she first came home from the hospital (5 weeks ago today!)

***Thanks for the photos Aunty Nae***

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