Thursday 29 May 2014

Dilly Ligaya - birth to eight weeks

Pics from Dallin's first 8 weeks. (There's actually 242 in her folder right now so this is just a fraction of them.....glad to know that even though she's our 4th baby, she's still going to have a whole lot of photos!)

At 8 weeks old now, her homecoming outfit (from Aunty Nae for Ella) has been put in the
'too small' pile :(

My little snug bug, always wrapped up tight

1st time to church

Hanging out at Mitre 10

Blessing Day (Sunday 4th May, 2014)

At church, taken just after doing a massive poppy!

A nice morning walk to Faith's cross country (6 weeks)

About to get 6 week immunisations (7 weeks)



Aunty Beezy, these pics remind me of your photo booth ones, don't think I should take up photography!

And that's it, we've made it to 8 weeks today and we're heading off to the paediatrician in about an hour. Dallin is a tricky, stubborn little critter.....maybe colic, but just going to be sure. And as is always the way when you make an appointment with a specialist, the past 2 days she's improved so much. Annoying cause I've still got to drive all the way to St Helliers but so so so good if she's turned the corner and is now going to actually sleep on her own and not cry hysterically (especially from 5-9pm every night!)

But I love you Dilly, so so so much. I love that you're starting to smile, I love your chubby little cheeks and how you love to be snuggled by Mum and Dad. You're a little doll my darling xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe she's 8 weeks already!! She's growing up so fast! Those photobooth, but not photobooth pics at the end were crack up...6th from the bottom was my fave lol...she really has her own look in that one
