Thursday 15 May 2014

Stuff Lately x6

Faith's first netball game was last night & she loved it. I didn't! It was a major fail taking 4 children to such an occasion. I'm trying to figure out how to make it better for next week, which means containing Seth aka dash!

She loved it and played so well. Maybe that was due to her experience with basketball last year, or maybe due to her fantastically sporty Mum who was such a star on the court back in the day. Haha
(If I had a dollar for every time someone asked 'do you play netball/basketball?' I'd be a rich lady!)

These 3 big brothers weren't interested in their little sister's games in the slightest. Too bad Seth couldn't join the brothers club....he loved watching what they were doing on their ipads (don't think they liked having him hang around like a bad smell though :(

And so begins many years standing on the netball court sideline with my 3 girlies. Just please get easier and more enjoyable to watch cause it was anything but that last night

In fact it was so bad that when Daddy Joe got home I excused myself to go on a solo date to Burger Fuel

Mummy and Dilly on our first morning Faith's Cross Country

I didn't really know how she'd do, but she did great....7th out of about 60 5 year old girls. Just behind her bestie, Stella

'Mum please do my hair like 'let it go' for kindy'
Translation, 'please do my hair like the girl off Frozen'

Evidence of Dallin's best day ever.....14th May 2014. She got my hopes up that I was making progress with her sleep routine.....unfortunately the next day was a disaster

On this day she even came out of her bassinet asleep and stayed that way for school drop off and pick up.
Yeeyah it more often please

In a house of girls, what's a boy to play with? Hair ties and hairspray

A special pressie arrived from Aunty Jill in Christchurch and Ella was thrilled to bits to open it for Dallin

And last but not least, yesterday we had an uninvited and unwelcome house guest....

My two babies are both petrified of animals and this was no exception, but once they realised they could safely look at the dog through the glass, they never left this spot for about 2 hours. When the dog control man came to take it away they acted like I was giving away our beloved family pet. I'm sure that would've been a different story if I'd let it by them without being restrained.

1 comment:

  1. haha, if they stayed there just watching for 2 hours maybe you do want the dog to come around more often!! keeps them from getting up to their usual mischief! Cool netball piccies & love the frozen hair x
