Monday 5 May 2014

Deck Cover Part 3

Day 6....

Day 7 (painting starts at 8am and finishes at about 1:30am!!!)
Tyrael and Tyryn came to lend a hand which was such a great help

About 9:30pm when I got home from the supermarket and Daddy Joe was about to start on his second coat by himself. The boys had konked out by then

 Day 8....Putting the ampalite roof on.

Once again it was a late night. The last screw was put in at 12:10am on Sunday morning. I was there to help for the last hour or so and it was cool to be there for the finale and congratulate my husband on a week of solid hard work (body and mind!!!)
He's done such an amazing job, so so so proud of him. And I can't believe how much more space we feel like we've got now that 's an all-weather deck....35 square metres more to be precise.

Pics to come from Dallin's blessing day.

1 comment:

  1. He really did do such a great job! I've been thinking about it all day & dreaming about having a cover on ours some day too lol :) Must be so awesome to have a whole big space to put your washing when it's wet now....& just to do whatever, no matter the weather!!
