Tuesday 27 May 2014

Ella turns 4

Here's 4 things I love about my 4 year old, Ella Deseret

1. Ella is a very talented singer and runner. I have a feeling she's going to continue being a star with both of these aspects of her life and we're going to do what we can to help her. She's known as the speedy girl with the racing singlet at athletics and I often hear her singing during the day and in her bed when I've left the room, with her beautifully in tune voice and sometimes amusing lyrics

2. Ella is very forgiving (sometimes after a cry), she comes back and gives big hugs even after we've been upset/angry with eachother. I'm sure there's a lesson I can learn from how she's quick to forgive and doesn't hold a grudge

3. Ella has a determined nature and can stand her ground for something she believes in. At the moment this manifests itself with stubborn behaviour over clothes choices or things being fair with Faith, but in time I hope it will also translate into standing up for the right and not being a sheep/follower.

4. Ella has a cheeky smile and sense of humor that makes me want to squeeze her to pieces every day

Pics of her 2014 birthday

The night before her party I thought of a couple of things I still needed to buy from the shops so at about 8pm I told her and Faith they could come with me to the mall. Ella especially put these clothes on for the occasion and Faith wore what she already had on, which was PJs (with the addition of her shiny black church shoes). And that's typical behaviour for my girls....Ella needs a special outfit for every occasion and Faith will wear whatever to whatever!

I went to buy her one pair of church shoes and she came away with 4 pairs (only cause they were two for the price of 1)

Party Day.....Crystal mountain and burgers/chips at home

So cool to have Aunty Beezy and Uncle Pete over from Australia for the week

And Uncle Carl was over from Australia too!

And even Aunty Cassie was over from Australia too!


Treat bags for her kindy class.....first time I've done this for the kid's friends, and it was worth it just to see the smile (boggle) on her face as the gave the bag to her teacher to hand out.

The real birthday....making the cake (salted caramel + chocolate cake)

And her favourite Mummy dinner.....Macaroni

Happy Happy Happy

'Oh Faith, I wanted to blow them out!' Happens every time

Aunty Nae, she's had a pink tinge to her face ever since she got her makeup on Saturday............... She reapplies about every 2 hours!

We were the only ones who were up for the birthday cake.
Seth was in bed asleep, Dallin was in bed crying, Daddy Joe had gone to a church meeting so it was just the old faithfuls

Happy Birthday my sweet Bobby. I love you so so so much xoxo

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