Sunday 11 May 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Yay, the mother's day pressie that I brought for myself arrived in time!

I'd really wanted to order one of these after Seth was born but I didn't cause I knew he wasn't my last baby and it would probably be a hassle to buy new charms. Now that I'm done, I've got my special necklace

The girls getting ready the night before (with the help of their Dad)

My 2 presents were wrapped in towels and secured with pins!
 At church on mother's day...

As soon as we got home from church the girls wanted to know if they had been good enough to have a chocolate....happens every week, the asking for chocolate part, not the being good part!

Chef Joe finishing off the Roast Chicken and veges he started before we left for church

Delicious...and as I type this he's making caramel dumplings for dessert :)

Had to do a couple of selfies cause my photographers were all busy (actually Ella did come and try but she kept taking pics of her finger, couldn't manage to keep her finger off the lens!)

In my new gisson. They chose for me so it!

(Dressing gown's will forever be called gissons in our family cause that's what Faith called them when she was learning to talk. Ella and Seth seriously wouldn't even know what a dressing gown is, they'll go out in public calling them gissons...shame!!!)
If today is anything to go by, Mother's days should get better and better for me. The girls were so so so excited about it being my special day. They've talked about it all week, and they even managed to keep my presents a surprise (under their bed) for a few days. 

And next year will definitely be better cause I'll be able to sleep nursing Mumma here next year - yay!

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