Sunday 29 March 2015

My little star!

I can't believe this little thing is about to start school in 9 weeks. She walks around in her Summerland uniform about 80% of the time these days which makes my heart miss a beat every time I stop and think 'what? how you can you be ready for school already?!?!?!?!'

It's seemed like for the last 2 birthdays that I could have sent her to school but this year is actually the one when I'll drive her up the road and drop her off at the fence just like her big sissy. I'm soooo excited for her, but also super duper sad that it will be another one of my babies pretty much leaving the nest!!! That's probably a tad dramatic, but that's how I feel. Very bitter/sweet.

This baby/big girl loves puzzles, activities, colouring, sorting..... Since she found her puzzles and card games that I got her for Christmas, that I hid straight away because there's too many pieces (why on earth did I buy them just to hide them straight away?!?!?!). Anyways, she recently found my hiding place and has lived at the table on the deck ever since. I love walking down the hallway and hearing her singing away as she plays. She's got such a good voice, and sometimes some hilarious lyrics

Still a speedy runner, but by mid season she had some serious competition, and by the end of the season, the other girl had knocked her off her perch as top girl 4 year old runner by a mile. Better do some practising before October when we start all over again.

Ella's got an awesome primary teacher at church for her Stars class and she got invited to a special breakfast/picnic on saturday. So chuffed that I was chosen to be the parent to accompany her

While we waited for her teacher to set up the food we strolled over to the Swanson train station. It's such a cute little building that reminded me of Anne of Green Gables when she sits at the station waiting for Matthew to come and pick  her up. Would love to get that series to watch with the girls

Fruit, yoghurt, pancakes, scones, hot cross buns, bacon, eggs, bread rolls and what does Ella eat? Yoghurt and grapes

What an awesome start to our Saturday morning. Love love love how she felt so special going on her stars class outing. And love her teacher for being to kind to put in the effort

When we got home from church yesterday she had the new Friend Magazine in her new primary bag and the teacher had asked us to do this activity so of course we had to do it straight away

Every week she has to take her little exercise book in her primary bag and that's where they draw a picture matching their lesson. Ella's just lapping up everything her teacher's doing. 

This week she came home with a sunflower in a pot to look after

And yesterday afternoon while the kids were in bed and Dad was at a meeting we decided to use the quiet time to cover her activity book with tape. Such an easy little crafty to do together

My goodness I'm thankful for her primary class and especially her lovely teacher. The first day she had her, she came out of church with a massive smile from ear to ear. She felt so excited and loved and special, and she could tell me so much about what she learnt in our discussion on the way home from church.

We're officially on the Starting School Countdown now......when 13 years of school ahead will begin for my Ella Bella Bobby Butts

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Going, Going, Gone!

The day has finally come......28 years after we moved into Ensign place, the deal has been done and Grandie will move out in 30 days. Sniff Sniff!

I'm at a bit of a loss with how I feel about it, but I really wanted to have a record of these pics for years to come when maybe my memory will fade (hopefully not, but maybe)

Probably only Faith (maybe Ella) will remember going to the home I grew up in. That's pretty sad, but it's definitely a good thing that Grandie is all cashed up and ready to move where is the question!

28  years of raising 6 kids here, mostly from babies until adulthood, so it's pretty cool that she could end up looking this good I reckon!!!

Will add some pics of the tense auction happenings when I get mine and Aunty Nae's together



Wednesday 18 March 2015

My de-cluttering journey (thus far)

I'm on a bit of a buzz.....a de-cluttering buzz.....thanks to Aunty Nae for her inspiration. 
I wouldn't say I have massive hoarding issues, but my house certainly does have a lot more in it than it needs to have. So after going to Nikki's De-cluttering 101, I came home last Friday and attacked the kitchen drawers, pantry, linen cupboard and towel cupboard. Nothing's safe around here I tell ya.

Utensils drawer before



Cutlery Drawer before


Forgot to do a before, but this is the pantry after a tidy out

Bye bye to my beloved cans cupboard. Couldn't get rid of this for so long and now wish I'd done it sooner cause now I don't have a messy collection point at the front more surface to dump on

Still a little sad to see it like this, and now sitting outside in the cold:(

Linen after

Towel cupboard after. I couldn't quite do a 2 towel per person rule, but I did get rid of about 10 towels
 What the kitchen/hallway looked like during the de-cluttering process

Next I'm onto the collection point on top of the pantry, then the hallway bookshelves and then my wardrobe....then......
 Gosh it makes you feel lighter when there's less stuff around, and I'm only scratching the surface at the moment. Maybe i'm gonna need a few 9m skip bins by the end of this process. Haha
Thanks Aunty Nae....I'm feeling good!

And here are some of the notes I took at the de-cluttering workshop

1. When you wonder if you should get rid of something, ask yourself 'Do I love it and/or use it?' If the answer is No, it can go. Sell it, give it away, dump it.

2. Sometimes space is worth more than an item (so true with the cans cupboard)

3. If it doesn't have a home, it doesn't belong in your home

4. Set a goal for the overall look and feel of your home

4. It's ok to let things go if they don't fit with your lifestyle

5. Pass on antiques/heirlooms if you don't use and love them. Others will

6. Shop with a list

7. Do bite-sized chunks. Make a list of tasks and work on them one at a time

8. Before you go to bed, scrub your sink. Then when you wake up in the morning you have a clean start

9. Housework done imperfectly still blesses my family. Don't let a desire for perfection stop you from starting

10. Attack hot spots regularly (for us that's at the front door and by the TV cabinet).

I know I always function better when I feel the house is in order, and even from making this start last week I can already feel how there's a lighter vibe when I'm not so closed in with stuff. 
So I reckon de-cluttering is good for home and the mind for sure

More to come.....cause it's Friday tomorrow.... & while the kids are out, Mum shall get her 
de-clutter on!