Friday 13 March 2015

Girls trip to Christchurch.....Part 1

This time last week my big girls and I were being dropped off to the airport by Dad and the babies for a long weekend in Christchurch. The main point of our visit was to be at Sarah's baptism, but it was really just an awesome cuzzy time from the moment we got there till the moment we left.
Here's how it went down.....

Ella 'Mum, look at all the little old beds out the window!'

This girl is still a starer. Eyes for Christmas!!!

Look who was taking our tickets before boarding.....Sis Mele Singh from Takapuna Ward

They both fell asleep about 2 mins into the flight.....they'd both had a long day at kindy and school and it was about 10:15pm by the time we got up in the air. I tried to wake them up a couple of minutes before landing so they could see all the lights of the city and feel the wheels hit the tarmac. But my goodness it's hard to wake little kids who are fast asleep. I managed to rouse Faith but Ella was impossible....even after holding her nose and rubbing her teeth she was still out to it. Can't complain though, rather a sleepy traveller than a noisy, grumpy, fighting one

All cosied up in their bunks

With the guest of honour just before the baptism. We had to shoot into Kmart  so Sarah came with us and thank goodness she did cause I don't know Christchurch very well and the map on my phone wasn't working. She was great with directions, and even said a prayer when we couldn't find the chapel with about 10 minutes until it began. I had no idea if we were anywhere near it and panic was starting to set it in, but just as she said 'Amen' and  opened her eyes she said 'oh my goodness I know where we are, it's just around that corner'. And it was! 

Aunty Jill and Uncle Luke's fantastic Mermaid themed cake

Was it a shock or what to see Nan there....she's too cute! Faith was super chuffed that she got to squeeze in beside her during the service and hold Nan's hand. Special!

My gorgeous lil' buddy, Huddy
My heart just about burst when I looked over and saw Faith passing the balloon back and forth with Nana Dixon. They were both loving sweet girl

Nan writing in the Baptism Guest Book. Sarah was so intrigued and excited that there was a guest book. Was really sweet to see her read through everyone's messages.

Trouble!!! ( I was gonna say 'with a captial T', but maybe the whole word should've been in caps!)

2 Great Nana's made it to the baptism. Now that's impressive I reckon

Straight to the pool party


How hard is it to get a group photo of 7 0-8 year olds? VERY

Lucky we had Uncle Luke to carry Ella over from hiding behind the tree

My fave

Photos don't do Christchurch justice at all. It was pretty unreal to see all the demo and re-building going on. And really sad to know that so many people went out that day and never came home to their families

We had a girls night out on Saturday night (Aunty Steph, Aunty Linda, Aunty Jill and myself). I put the girls down before I left and told them in no-uncertain terms that if they came out of the room Uncle Jared would get really cross with them and he might say he didn't want us to come back for another holiday with Dad and the babies.

Thankfully it worked. He didn't hear a peep from them.
They were probably thinking 'I thought Uncle Jared was nice but you're making him sound really mean, we don't want to chance it' Haha
And unfortunately I don't have a pic of the girls night. We drove around the city for a while and ended up having delicious mint hot chocolates (called Kermits) at a cafe beside Jared's new office. 
So that's Friday and Saturday accounted for. Will do Sunday/Monday tomorrow :)


  1. So cool Mell. I loved seeing these. Love the little old beds and faiths game with nana Dixon

  2. Oh man, so much to love it that post too. Love the cricket pics haha....those kinda pics never get old for pod's game with nana dixon <3 also so many things you never told me - like I didn't know uncle glenn was there, & that you guys had a girls night :) So cute! Dimitris & the birthday cake looked so yum
