Thursday 12 March 2015

FHE in Christchurch - Baptism (taught by Sarah & Faith!)

We had FHE with the Christchurch Ormsby Cuzzies on Monday night just before we headed to the airport to come home....Such a cool way to end our holiday!!!!

I told Sarah and Faith in the morning that they'd be doing the lesson and they ran off all excited to plan something. When I asked about it on the way to drop Sarah off at school they said it was a secret and all they could tell me was that it was about baptism.

So on Monday afternoon as the time drew nearer and I figured they'd been so busy playing that the planning had gone out the window, I wrote out some questions about baptism for them to put to the family.

Why do we get baptised when we are 8 (or older) and not when we're a baby?

Why do we go under the water completely and not just have water sprinkled on our head?

Why did Jesus Christ get baptised in the River Jordan?

If we make mistakes, can we get baptised again and again?

Can my Mum baptize me? Why or why not?

What do you wear when you get baptised? Why?

They were too cute standing up in front of everyone. Love how FHEs give our kids that safe, secure setting to be a leader and show what they know and understand through teaching us.

Jadon and Ella were on the game so we did our easy fave......Toy Basketball.
Everyone had a go at throwing the 10 soft toys in the basket. Bronson was in charge of judging how far back the basket should go for each person.
And the winner was..........Aunty Jill with 9 out of 10!

Refreshments was raspberry licorice, mango licorice and pineapple lumps & hokey pokey marshmallow eggs. Oops my bad...a sugar overload right before bedtime

Sitting up straight to see who won Aunty Steph's prize for being the best behaved.....Bronson!
And lastly the kids all ran off the to the table to play with one of Sarah's new birthday presents. The boys and Faith only lasted 2 minutes, but Sarah and Ella lasted the distance.

Will to the rest of the holiday pics tomorrow

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