Sunday 15 March 2015

Girls Trip to Christchurch.....Part 2

The second part of our Christchurch holiday
A spot of early morning art work

Ella's rainbow

Faith's pic of Noah's Ark

Watching a movie while having chip 'n dip for morning tea. I'd just straightened all of their hair of course

Singing primary songs on the way to church with Jadon

Chuffed to go home in the car with the girls and Pops
Spaghetti on toast for breakfast before school.....don't get used to that Faith!

This kid is cuckoo

The girls were lovin' the new fangled leap pad tablets.....and I was lovin' the quiet car while they played on them

We did a really cool tour of the central city on the tram. Was fun to hear the commentary about what's happening to the buildings since the earthquake

There's cool big artworks on lots of the buildings. This was one of my favourites....a ballet girl bowing called 'the last dance' (I think)

Brons and I were quite taken by this VW that looked like it had 2 fronts

And he was even more intrigued by this guy pretending to be a wizard....we had a big convo about how he just thinks he's a wizard but we don't think he is cause we don't believe in them

Off the tram for another stop at Dimitris.....couldn't help myself.
The kids were all about the street performer, watching him play with a glass ball

A MASSIVE pile of pulverised concrete/rubble

An afternoon play with Ammon and Wattie, from Swanson Ward before they moved to Chch a couple of years ago. 

Our holiday coming to an end :)

We had to leave this gorgeous boy crying on the driveway with his Mumma cause he couldn't fit in the car to take us to the airport. Can't believe these 2 crazies will both be starting school in 2 months

A tad exciting that we had to walk out on the tarmac to get on the plane

After about 5 mins of fighting over the armrest, they conked out until we disembarked.

We'd been hoping for an exciting reunion with Daddy and Deppy and Dells Bells but this is how we stood outside for half an hour while everyone else got picked up....seriously! We just stood there in the cold until the Territory came screeching into the carpark with lots of apologies about motorway diversions. A bit of an anti-climax right at the last post

So by the time we got home and into bed it was almost 1am (we got more motorway detours on the way home as well). Thankfully they got carried straight into bed and didn't get up till 8:30am the next day

Sethy with the present we got for him while we were away. A dinosaur and animal puzzle

This is a bit hard to see but it's the plan of Faith's story that she did at school after we got back. Love the detail of who was on the tram, and their ages, and even the year the tram was built!
And there you have it....all over in 3 sleeps. We had such a good time so we'll definitely be going back when we have some time and money. And next time it will definitely be with Dad, Seth and Dallin for sure. Staying at the Jared and Steph Ormsby household was AWESOME....already excited to do it again asap

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Forgot to say on the last post, love how the summerland hat got to go lol...she loves that thing aye. The girls seemed so unimpressed that Dad wasn't there to pick them up haha - understandably so! Looks like the perfect time to travel man coz they slept through both flights no issues
