Wednesday 18 March 2015

Mid-week cuzzy dinz

After we got back from Chch, we had a cool visit from Grandie. He doesn't ever come over during the week so it's really great that his hairdresser has bought a salon just up the road from us. Now we should get visits every few weeks which is fantastic, but I suppose that means fish 'n chips and chocolate bars for lunch will be a regular thing. Not that the kids will complain about that!

And then the next night we were spoilt to have him come back again, this time with the Leones cause the Luke & Linda Ormsby family were in Auckland for the night. We're still gutted they  up and left for Oz just over 2 years ago, but we're very grateful we made it onto their list of places to stop in for dinner on their trip over the NZ

These two are lil happy and smiley!
...until Huddy threw up as they were about to leave :(

And of course the obligatory group shot. Looks like we're a good 10 years away from having everyone smile and look in the same direction!!!


  1. lol @ fish n chips and choccie bars! wish his hairdresser was over here

  2. Cutie pies. Grandie's so got the rep for being the supplier of crap food. The boys wonder what's up if he doesn't show up with something yummy!
