Tuesday 24 March 2015

Going, Going, Gone!

The day has finally come......28 years after we moved into Ensign place, the deal has been done and Grandie will move out in 30 days. Sniff Sniff!

I'm at a bit of a loss with how I feel about it, but I really wanted to have a record of these pics for years to come when maybe my memory will fade (hopefully not, but maybe)

Probably only Faith (maybe Ella) will remember going to the home I grew up in. That's pretty sad, but it's definitely a good thing that Grandie is all cashed up and ready to move on.....to where is the question!

28  years of raising 6 kids here, mostly from babies until adulthood, so it's pretty cool that she could end up looking this good I reckon!!!

Will add some pics of the tense auction happenings when I get mine and Aunty Nae's together



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