Tuesday 27 January 2015

Auckland Anniversary Day @ Sailor's Grave

My goodness, was yesterday cool or what!!!!

On saturday afternoon we found out the Heke's were planning a rendezvous at a beach near Tairua in the Coromandel.....swimming, diving, sunbathing for Monday (Auckland Anniversary Day). We knew that despite the drive, traffic, packing/unpacking and everything else that goes with a day away with 4 young kids, we wanted to be there. So we shopped on Saturday night. prepared food and packed the car on Sunday night, and woke up bright and early on Monday morning to hit the road. Leaving at 7am and getting home at 9:15pm left us exhausted but so happy from a full, family, fun day. So today we've re-grouped at home and done loads and loads of sandy washing!

As usual I didn't get as many pics as I'd have liked (was really paranoid about my phone getting wet), and what I did get is pretty crappy quality, but it's better than nothing.

I must admit, as we turned down the road 'Sailor's Grave Road' and I saw the beach was named the same, I was a little concerned about what we'd gotten ourselves in for! We were sure to say a prayer for safety cause I'm not so confident around water, especially choppy waves, and seeing that the news had already reported 4 drownings (of adults) at beaches over the weekend didn't allay my fears. Thankfully we came home with everyone alive and well....not even any injuries to speak of. Seth's bee sting doesn't count cause he wasn't bothered about it at all. He just kept saying 'a bumble bee hurt my finger'.

Ready to start our 1km hike over to the beach

Grandie's wetsuit was a winner, even though it took about 1/2 an hour and the help of 3 other people to get it on him!

Let's just say there was a lot of sand that came out in the shower that night! And I just love watching these twin cousins hang out

Pretty much in the water from the moment we got there till the moment we left. Hardly even time to stop for snacks

This lil' nudie butt kept me company in the shade, and had a couple of paddles in the water with her aunties. So thankful she can't quite crawl yet cause that would have been a whole different story!

This guy was in a bit of heaven diving and then scooping out kina for an hour or so afterwards. He got straight into the paua as well.....maybe to gross me out cause it looks pretty darn chewy!!!

Back to the cars just before 7pm. I was over it and ready to leave as was my hubby at this point. As we packed up the kids and bags, the other Dads all started kitting up to go out for one last dive...that's dedication!

And of course these two little treasures managed to get in one quick tutorial session before we headed off

The day after!!!! Gosh I feel bad this happened. Faith's fine, Dallin's fine, Seth got a bit of colour on his arms, and this is Ella's back. It looks worse in the picture than it really is but still. Lesson learned.....sunscreen 3 times for a day out in NZ!
So there you have it. We had such an awesome day with our Heke Family. I think the only stink thing about the day was knowing that there were quite a few people missing :( Other than that, a day for the memory books, and one to do again next Summer I'm sure

Stuff Lately x 21

Both of us were pretty excited with these drinks. She was telling me about a drink she's heard her friends talk about that's green but it's not kiwifruit juice. I told her I thought I knew what she meant and that I'd go and buy some for us. One thing I love doing the most with my kids is anything/something they've never done before. I love seeing their faces as they soak up something brand new. And this was a win for her (and always is for me)

We've had a few good games of this lately. I'm guessing I was red this time round

How I used to find the hallway on my way to bed. Not anymore that Dallin's in the girls room though. Bedtime means sleep time straight away now

Christmas Kindy crafts....

The Hamilton Lake Park on Dec 27th.

I found this on the computer the other day. Good intentions obviously, but the one minute wonder syndrome strikes again! (Love that she's can open a document and figure out how to change the colour of text though cause I had no idea she was even on the lappy)

Changing the brake pads together (saved about $250) and they did a really good job so I'm happy

I didn't get pics of Mac's sleepover last week but it was so fun to have him over. Pod and Seth loved it and so did I. Can't believe this big boy will be 8 next year! This pic was from our quiet time at about 11am when Dallin was having her morning sleep. We always watch a  movie in the lounge when she's down but obviously Mac thought that was pretty boring!

I think Seth was pretty tired after we got back from Parakai a couple of weeks ago! He slept the whole way home and then when we carried him in from the car he lay straight down at the front door on the floor. You wouldn't lay on that lino and put your head on the doormat unless you were seriously exhausted

As I watched my hardworking husband doing some tree-cutting and doll-house dismantling last Saturday I remembered the olden days when Mum would make a thrifty drink for us to take out to Dad when he was mowing the lawn. Felt pretty cool to make a big Raro and send the girls out with it to their strong, sweaty Dad. Mum must have been really thoughtful and caring cause I can't say I've ever thought to do that when I've seen him out there on many saturday mornings mowing the lawn, weeding, washing cars. Sorry Darling, I'll try and get into the habit of sending out a cold drink

My messiest kid......by far. This was what she looked like after about 2 minutes with 2 chocolate fingers

This kid hardly ever goes to the mall.....like almost never. I seriously don't think he would've even been 10 times in his life so I let him have a little play with Barney when we shot in last week

I wanted to do some baking for the park last week but I couldn't think of what to make. Then I saw something about Uncle Pete starting Med School on Facebook. And that reminded me of how he makes afghans so these were dedicated to his first big week. Had to add the icing sugar icing though Pete!

Absolutely zonked after her sleepover at the Leones and an afternoon at the park. 

In the middle of telling Aunty Nae she's sorry for taking 2 Toy Story notepads during her sleepover. I walked into her room just before bedtime and she looked up at me with a guilty look and these in her hand. When I asked about them she said she put them in the side pocket of her suitcase and then forgot to take them out. Flippn' heck man!!!

She pretty much conks out every afternoon at the moment. No much of a problem though cause she still has to go to bed when the other girls do and isn't allowed to talk

Lots of crying on Thursday last week when we found out Iwani at the Auckland Zoo had been put down. We've loved watching him on The Zoo DVD we have for about 5 years (I think we got it for Faith's first or maybe 2nd birthday). It was really sad and sweet to see how the girls both felt upset knowing that an animal (particularly one we knew through the movie) had died. Cute little opportunity to talk about life and death and have some special, teary cuddles which I secretly loved.

Our special date to the Library 'Dare to Explore' Party

They all did a little scavenger hunt around the library (it's new so lots of kids don't know where everything is yet). She was so excited about the whole challenge to explore the library and figure out the clues. My favourite was 'Find a heart from the hottest part of the library'. Immediately I knew she'd find the sticker somewhere by the fireplace, so I started to help her figure it out, but she interrupted me and goes 'Mum, Sshhhh', while closing her eyes and putting her hands out like she was trying to take the temperature with her finger tips to find where the hottest part of the library is!!!!!! Love that girl xx

My sweet poppet got to open a layer of the pass the parcel and was one of about 15 layers that had nothing in it. Stink when everyone had 2 or 3 lollies falling out. She was ok though, no tears or tantrums.

I had to rush off to a meeting at church with her just as the food part of the party started. I knew she'd be disappointed if I didn't let her quickly grab something, so I told her to get 3 things and quickly come out. 

She actually got 3 things like I told her to. I shouldn't have been surprised with such a well behaved girl, but I kind of expected that she'd come back with way more party food. 2 sausie rolls and 1 lollipop and she was stoked!

That's if you could even call this a sausie roll......I think I started laughing out loud when I saw it. It wasn't even 1 cm wide....seriously, we know thin ones are a good bite, but there's thin and then there's super duper thin!