Tuesday 20 January 2015

New Birthday Tradition

Birthdays are hard for us to remember, celebrate, commemorate, acknowledge. Well, actually not so hard to remember, but sometimes that's as far as we get....with good intentions to send a message or make a birthday call at the end of the day.

So this year, with the help of the present that Ella bought Faith for Christmas, a Smiggle calendar, we're hoping to be more on to it.

The plan is to look at the calendar each monday night and see who's got a birthday coming up in that week. We sing for them with our refreshments (not necessarily a birthday cake cause with all our family I feel like we could almost have at least one person a week!), but just whatever treat we happen to be having that night. Then the real test is to remember that person on the day and make contact with them in some way to wish them a happy birthday.

As I write this it makes it feel a little cold and calculated, like if you get a call from us on your birthday it's just so we can keep our goal, but it's definitely not. Aunty Nae always stands out to me as someone who is Awesome!!!!! at sending a heartfelt birthday message and we're just now ready to join the party so to speak.

So far we've sung for 5 family members over the first 3 weeks of Jan.

So like I said, that's the plan. Please forgive us if you read this and miss a birthday shout out. We're really gonna do our best.

And I'll keep a list of our refreshments to post at the end of the year so you can see what you got on your birthday night. Can't promise anything spectacular, it always depends how the day goes around here if I can bake or buy.....I feel there'll be more shooting into the supermarket to buy something at the last minute than baking if Dallin keeps up needing to be held by Mum every waking minute like she is these days!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's so cool :) Hope I get something yummy for my week! Might have to be licorice allsorts in my honour. Bet you'd love that Mell ;) Just kidding...I love anything sweet, so anything's good for me. You can do a lame one on Uncle Stanie's week coz his sweet tooth is pathetic lol
