Monday 5 January 2015

Daddy Joe's 34

I've got no great photos of Daddy Joe's 34th birthday, but will still document what we managed to get. My phone is now officially dead so I'm no longer holding out hope that I can get my pics of the day off it).

Unfortunately he had to work on his birthday, but thankfully he got home around 2pm. We were prepared with a happy birthday sign and balloons taped to the fence, which I think it was more exciting for the girls and I to get it ready than it was for him to come home to :(

But that didn't dampen their spirits. After he paid a $4,000 bill (great way to kill the birthday high!), we sat outside and played pass the parcel with his presents. Can't get the pics that I had, but it was pretty fun for the kids. A new cologne, 2 new white church shirts (soooo overdue) and 7 new church DVDs to add to our sad collection of sunday movies. Not a bad haul I reckon!

And this pic from Ella

And this one from Faith

With the time and season we're at (meaning crazy kids who can't sit down to save their lives), going out for a special birthday dinner to a restaurant was out of the question, so the kids decided that the best dinner we could do (and it had to be a bought one, not a Mummy one) was fish n chips. But we had to eat it on the driveway like a picnic to make it a little more special than any other saturday night when we might do that dinner.

The 'cake' was another 'time and season' thing. Mum was too busy looking after 4 little babies all day so couldn't manage making a birthday cake so we used our leftover FHE refreshments from the night before and made a little lolly bag for  everyone. Suited the kids just fine and meant we weren't left with oodles of leftover cake to eat for breakfast and lunch for the next 5 days like usual

So that's how the day went down. My hot, hardworking, strong, generous, dedicated husband is now 34.

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