Tuesday 27 January 2015

Auckland Anniversary Day @ Sailor's Grave

My goodness, was yesterday cool or what!!!!

On saturday afternoon we found out the Heke's were planning a rendezvous at a beach near Tairua in the Coromandel.....swimming, diving, sunbathing for Monday (Auckland Anniversary Day). We knew that despite the drive, traffic, packing/unpacking and everything else that goes with a day away with 4 young kids, we wanted to be there. So we shopped on Saturday night. prepared food and packed the car on Sunday night, and woke up bright and early on Monday morning to hit the road. Leaving at 7am and getting home at 9:15pm left us exhausted but so happy from a full, family, fun day. So today we've re-grouped at home and done loads and loads of sandy washing!

As usual I didn't get as many pics as I'd have liked (was really paranoid about my phone getting wet), and what I did get is pretty crappy quality, but it's better than nothing.

I must admit, as we turned down the road 'Sailor's Grave Road' and I saw the beach was named the same, I was a little concerned about what we'd gotten ourselves in for! We were sure to say a prayer for safety cause I'm not so confident around water, especially choppy waves, and seeing that the news had already reported 4 drownings (of adults) at beaches over the weekend didn't allay my fears. Thankfully we came home with everyone alive and well....not even any injuries to speak of. Seth's bee sting doesn't count cause he wasn't bothered about it at all. He just kept saying 'a bumble bee hurt my finger'.

Ready to start our 1km hike over to the beach

Grandie's wetsuit was a winner, even though it took about 1/2 an hour and the help of 3 other people to get it on him!

Let's just say there was a lot of sand that came out in the shower that night! And I just love watching these twin cousins hang out

Pretty much in the water from the moment we got there till the moment we left. Hardly even time to stop for snacks

This lil' nudie butt kept me company in the shade, and had a couple of paddles in the water with her aunties. So thankful she can't quite crawl yet cause that would have been a whole different story!

This guy was in a bit of heaven diving and then scooping out kina for an hour or so afterwards. He got straight into the paua as well.....maybe to gross me out cause it looks pretty darn chewy!!!

Back to the cars just before 7pm. I was over it and ready to leave as was my hubby at this point. As we packed up the kids and bags, the other Dads all started kitting up to go out for one last dive...that's dedication!

And of course these two little treasures managed to get in one quick tutorial session before we headed off

The day after!!!! Gosh I feel bad this happened. Faith's fine, Dallin's fine, Seth got a bit of colour on his arms, and this is Ella's back. It looks worse in the picture than it really is but still. Lesson learned.....sunscreen 3 times for a day out in NZ!
So there you have it. We had such an awesome day with our Heke Family. I think the only stink thing about the day was knowing that there were quite a few people missing :( Other than that, a day for the memory books, and one to do again next Summer I'm sure

1 comment:

  1. Cool, that looked like so much fun!! Ouchy man Ella's back looked sore alright though! Did it bother her or not really?? Yea cool that Dilly can't crawl yet & by next year she'll be toddling around so that's perfect :) Do you just eat Paua raw? I thought it was meant to be cooked!!
