Sunday 18 January 2015

FHE - Cain and Abel

Time for some drastic interventions regarding sibling behaviour. It's pretty much gone to the dogs around here :(
All I hear all day long is 'give it to me', 'i hate you', 'she's not sharing', 'she pulled my hair' Cry, scream, whinge ......

Cue the story from the scriptures with two siblings whose story ended up very very badly. After reading through the story of Cain and Abel in the children's Old Testament Reader, I showed them a bit of their behaviour by punching, kicking, pulling their Dad's hair to try and get the phone off him. I called him ugly, fat, stupid, followed up by I hate you and shut up. The girls thought it was pretty intense and their Dad was left battered and bruised (I was doing it for real....had to look authentic and the girls certainly never hold back when it comes to fisty cuffs!) I'm hoping my dramatisation was confronting enough to prompt some second thoughts in the future.

I try and get it through to them that they'll be sisters forever so they might as well enjoy it, and what's not to enjoy?!?!? I love spending time with my sissys! Other people in their lives will come and go, but being besties with your siblings is where it's at! I'm sure they'll get it one day (as we did), but I just hope it's sooner rather than later. Mummy's heard enough fighting and when someone decides to get a knife out to scare the other one (which has truly happened lately), my stress levels rise through the roof.

I might make them keep sitting on the couch whenever they fight and hold hands while they sing church songs until they're ready to hug and make up!


  1. Haha, we might have to do this lesson too. We haven't had any knife come out yet (although the biggest knife from our knife set has gone missing & no-one knows where it is!!! So weird)...but we have a lot of wrestling that ends in tears for one member of our family every single time....while the culprit just gaps it :( Better get Spence & Ella into bed!! Hope your night's gone o.k!

  2. lol glad jules doesn't know what a knife is yet
