Monday 5 January 2015

FHE - The Basics

New Year = Time to get back to basics.

I went back to the old family fundamentals style colouring chart.
Hopefully by the end of the year we'll be able to look at the charts and account for what we've done and hopefully see that a lot of prayers have been said, service has been rendered and scriptures have been read.

As I talked through the idea with the girls I asked them why we would bother to keep doing these things all the time. 'We've had a lot of family home evenings and said a lot of prayers......should we stop doing them now? We've read the Book of Mormon before, we must know all about it now so let's read other books before bedtime' When I said these things Faith responded with 'we should always do them cause I like it and we learn more about Jesus, and we might forget the stories in the scriptures so we can read them all the time.'

Day 6 and we're off to a good start so far. I'm excited and optimistic about how we'll do with it

1 comment:

  1. Good idea! If you let Ella be in charge of colouring you'll have the prettiest rainbow charts. Is it her that's done it so far? p.s just answer that question on the phone sometime cause I never check back to see if you've answered lol
