Monday 19 January 2015

Home School - Week 13

Writing Prompt


We've had a couple of weeks off home school because Faith's been frantically trying to get all the tasks done for the 'Dare to Explore' Challenge that we picked up at the library. Now that we're done with it (the celebration party's this coming Thursday night), we can get back to the regular Mummy tasks. Thank goodness really cause it was 24 different tasks like making invisible ink, learning a Maori game, designing a spaceship, drawing a map of your backyard, reading at least 6 books......
Back to the usual now..... except I'm leaving out spelling for a bit because that's a strength for Faith, which leaves more time for Maths, a bit more of a struggle.

Her invitation to the celebration party was a prized possession on the day she got it and then it got left out on the driveway in the rain. Hope she can still use it to get in!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, it's the big party tomorrow evening!! Hope she has a cool time :) x
