Saturday 30 May 2015

FHE - The 10 Commandments

We've referred to the 10 Commandments before, but never really gone into depth about what each one of them is. So on Monday last week, Ella and I made this lil concertina doodacky for us to write them on.

I forgot to get a picture of them once we'd written them on, but it was a real team effort. Faith read them out of the kids bible, Dad explained them, Ella wrote the number, and I wrote each one in a short sentence

My crafty helper. Sad she won't be around on Mondays to help me get ready anymore!

What the other 2 monkeys got up to while we were doing our prep....yes, that's Seth with a bare butt!

 And after the lesson we did a bit of cutting, gluing, drawing....trying to get Ella used to following instructions to do a simple task cause these are the sorts of things she'll do in her class at school

I had drawn the middle picture but didn't show it to the girls. I gave them each a piece of blank paper and they had to follow my verbal instructions like 'give your person triangle eyes, give you person rectangle ears and heart earrings', and then at the end we compared pictures

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Grommets for the girlies

1st General Anaesthetic for these girls......easy peasy!

Ella was up for Adenoid removal and grommets and lil sissy was just down for grommets. Walking in to the hospital you'd never know they were about to have surgery, and walking out about 4 hours later, you'd never know they'd both just had it. Would never say kids having operations is cool and easy, but this went soooo well. Prayers answered.

Our bag all packed the night pink! We had to leave the house at 6:30 (which really ended up being 6:48am) so mummy was trying to be very onto it

Just before we walked out the door

Arrival at the hospital carpark

Sucking the pre-meds pretty enthusiastically cause she didn't get her usual milkies bottle

All done. Cuddly for all of 2 mins and then all go

When this girl doesn't like something, she's sure to let you know about it

Ella Bella minus adenoids and plus grommets

So glad I got a pic of this cause it was a super special hour for me


So brave having the cannula pulled out
Home 5 hours after we arrived. Loving her new monkey friend that all the kids get when they wake up & cause Dallin went straight to bed for a sleep, she got sole reign of Netflix....and boy did she love it. Actually she doesn't stay on netflix....Make up Tutorials are her 'go to'

Mid-afternoon McDs before picking up Faith and Seth.....just for my op girls

Thank goodness for Health Insurance, thank goodness for private hospitals, thank goodness Joe could be there with us, thank goodness it all went well, and thank goodness the girls should have better ear health from here on out.

Monday 18 May 2015

2 Weekend Outings

Corban's Estate Art Festival...Free fun for the whole family

There were loads of activities for the kids to do in a big shed. The art supplies around the place was a bit mind-blowing. Would have hate to see mess that was left behind when it all emptied out.

Badge making

Glasses accessorizing

Playing Mum's old game from years and years ago while the kids had their sleep after church

Somebody can't handle losing!

A Sunday afternoon walk through the Waitakere Ranges in the drizzling rai. Once again, lived here for almost 4 years and this is the first time we've been to Arataki.

Gotta follow the instructions and wash off boots on our way out

Gonna have to come back here one day with Joe when he has a day off......mainly cause it would be cool to do a hike with him, but also cause they've got the danish ice-cream stall at the beginning of the trail

Love doing things like these with my babies, and they're getting easier and easier to take out at the ages they are now (actually Seth's terrible but we're managing). 
And it's even better when they're free as these both were.