Sunday 17 May 2015

Mumma's Day 2015

Mother's Day 2015 started off super duper special this year cause I got a card out of the blue from Aunty B in Australia. So cool to check the mail and have something much nicer to read than bills, bills, bills.

Just for the record, this is how this little kid 'sits' in the highchair now....soooo annoying. I used to be able to leave her there for half an hour and keep adding things to her tray to eat. Now I haven't even turned my back to come back with something and she's already standing up

Stars Kindy really outdid themselves with an amazing mother's day afternoon tea. I haven't been to any of their little events like this before, but I'm so glad I went to this one. I thought I'd turn up and we'd have a big, crazy afternoon tea with all the kids, but to my surprise they'd planned something completely different....and wonderful!

Scrummy nibbles

Yes that's right, they'd brought in a nail artsist and massage therapist so we all got our nails painted and a 10 minute back/neck/shoulder/hand massage. Is that awesome or what?!?!?! And there was not a child in sight! It was done in Ella's room, and all the kids in the centre had been taken into Seth's room to watch a movie and have popcorn

My clown of a husband getting ready to make corsages with a few other guys for the women at church

Unfortunately I don't have and pics from the actual day, but I got a really nice waffle breakfast (that my husband said really tested his abilities cause he's never made them before and all the kids were starting to wake up and get ready for church.....chaos!), some of the new Lindt salted caramel (which I still haven't opened yet so I might do that for FHE tonight), and a dinner of chicken with pesto wrapped in bacon and roast veges. I'm not sure which was the best part of the day. but the afternoon nap would be right up there, and sitting down after dinner and not lifting a finger to tidy up the dishes would be a serious contender too!

Now that I've got the girls at 6.5 and almost 5, Mother's day is gonna get better and better from here on out I'm sure. It's not really Joe's forte (his own confession), so I'll have to rely on the girls to get the job done...and I have full faith and confidence they'll always have my back

And of course, no Mother's Day would be complete without mentioning my own very own angel. Words can't even come close to expressing how much I miss her and long for her to be here, but till we meet again I think of her often and try to emulate the awesome example of a mother she is to me. Whenever my frustrations are getting the better of me I try to smile and think 'what would Mum do?' and inevitably it's quite the opposite of what I'm doing. How did she have all of us and remain so calm, and love it all the time, and fit in everything that she did? Not sure I'll ever know the answers to that (wish I could ask for her advice pretty much every day), but since I can't I've just got to look back at that example and remember the way I felt with her as my Mum every day....blessed......and I hope for my babies to feel some of the same with me

1 comment:

  1. Wow Star's kindy did awesome alright! They've been so great aye
