Friday 15 May 2015

FHE - He Hears Me

After hearing about Aunty Nae's terrifying episode last week that involved a 'mouse in the house' (as Faith likes to sing), I decided to use it as a faith promoting experience. I knew the kids would be captivated by a story where a mouse snuck into a house one night when 2 little boys had just gone to bed and right I was. They were on the edge of their seats while I told the story in minute detail.

Before we got started on the mouse story, we listened to this song (begins at 1:30), and talked about how 'He hears me'

My visual aid....sorry Aunty Nae

Basically the story went like this.... 
2 little boys went to bed
Their Mum went into the lounge to watch TV and saw a mouse scuttle across the living room floor. She was absolutely TERRIFIED
She was so scared that she woke up her boys to help her
Traps were set, a prayer was said and the boys went back to bed
The mouse stole the food and ran away. The Mum realised the traps had been set wrong and fixed them
She went to have a shower and came back to find the mouse was trapped
It got taken outside and disposed of (aye Aunty Nae...didn't go into further detail there!)

The kids didn't know the whole time that this story was true, and about a family we know.  (They were so excited when they realised it was about the Leones).
We talked about how Heavenly Father heard their prayer and it was answered quickly (although not quick enough I'm sure!) and everything was fine. The message that I really wanted to get across was that 'He hears me'.

The song of Hilary Weeks 'He hears me' that we began with really says it all.....makes me cry sometimes when I listen to it and get that reminder that he hears our prayers and can help any time of the day or night.

And last night Faith and I had a little experience that made my heart smile regarding this exact thing. The kids had gone to bed, Joe was at the temple, and I was sitting in the lounge folding washing. After a few little whimpers from Dallin, everything went quiet and I thought they were all out for the to my ears! Not long after, Faith popped her head out with big tears rolling down her cheeks. Through her unconsolable sobs, she sat on my knee and told me that she was really worried about what might happen if our home has a fire (she's doing a firewise unit at school and has been telling us all about a movie she watched where a boy had a fire in his house and thankfully everyone got out ok, but it was really scary for her). She was particularly concerned about how Dallin would get out, thinking that because she can't walk, she might get trapped and sweet girl to think of our baby!
She was so worked up about it and kept saying 'I can't stop thinking about it, I don't want any fire in our home', and 'if there's a fire I don't think I'll be strong enough to get Dallin out of her cot'. I assured her that all her learning and sharing with us is helping us to prepare for an emergency (she's going to talk about our escape plan for FHE next week), and all she needs to worry about is getting out and staying out. Before I sent her on her way, I talked to her about how a little prayer to Heavenly Father to tell him what's worrying her, and how she wanted to relax for sleep would work wonders....He would hear her. And with that, she gave me a kiss and walked away.

About 10 minutes later she popped her head around the corner again, this time with a huge smile on her face, and said 'Mum, it worked, he heard me, I'm not thinking about it anymore'. 
Love that girl and her Faith!!!!

Our activity was to do this scavenger hunt in 2 teams. We each started with a  plastic bowl and had to collect the 12 items in 3 minutes and meet back in the lounge. Seth had no idea what was going on with  the girls running around fetching things, and the girls absolutely loved it.


  1. Oh man, that little girl always brings tears to my eyes with her sweet spirit!

  2. Gorgeous alright!! Such a cool story :) Had to really quickly scroll past that disgusting mouse pic. I'm still super paranoid about that whole thing even nearly 2 weeks later!! Love that game idea, I'll have to do that with the boys
