Wednesday 6 May 2015

FHE - Happypox

Everyone could do with smiling a little more and scowling/frowning a little less right?

We started our lesson with the kids on the 'mat' listening intently to a story about a little boy with chickenpox. They're not really familiar with them cause we've never had them in our household, so I told in detail what happened to this boy, how he felt, even showed a picture of him covered from head to toe (thanks cousin Matt for being our case study)

After finding out what chickenpox is, we had to talk about the word contagious. We definitely don't want to pass on bugs/germs that are contagious!!!!

Then we changed tack completely and started talking about how nice it is when everyone is happy, and when people aren't happy, they can start to feel happier when people around them are smiley and cheerful. So in away, happiness is contagious....a good kind of 'catchy'!

They thought it was hilarious when I started putting 'happypox' on their faces for each thing they told me that made them happy.

Kind of a nonsense little concept, but I'm pretty sure it's true that happiness is contagious, and it's been cool over the past couple of days to say 'oh no, Seth needs some happypox', or 'Wow, Ella's full of happypox'....and they know exactly what I mean.

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