Wednesday 6 May 2015

Marathon 2015

What was I thinking when I messaged Jared and Steph about doing the Rotorua Run again this year?!?!?!?
It's been 6 years since we last did it together (and I did it again 4 years ago). As I came away hobbling with a sore knee, my lovely husband said 'well you are getting older darling!'

Anyways, it was a cool, fleeting visit to Rotorua. We got in at about 11pm and left the next morning at midday, so it really was just in for the run and then home. Although the kids would have loved to stay at our 'little house' for longer, they enjoyed what they got. 

Faith straight out of the car and into the driver's position with the TV remote

Just before Mummy jogged down the road to pick up the registration pack

This guy??!?!?! 

And the super bonus of the run was that Jared and Steph (no pic of them oops!), were up with the kids for Temple Week so we got to have a family dinner with them on Sunday. So good to get the Chch and Akl Ormsby cuzzies together.

This guy starts school tomorrow! And she's got 2.5 weeks until D day!!!

And now that's it's done, and we loved it, and of course despite the fact I think I said 'I won't be doing that again',  we're already talking about trying much harder to do a real good run next year (not just a survive and cross the line trying not to collapse!)

Better keep hitting the pavement to keep up with a bit of fitness so I'm not starting back at square one when that comes around.

Pics from the Quarter Marathon we did in 2009
I think Faith was about 8 months old (and I was 25)

Disclaimer: And we didn't do the Marathon.....just the Asics Fun Run

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