Saturday 30 May 2015

FHE - The 10 Commandments

We've referred to the 10 Commandments before, but never really gone into depth about what each one of them is. So on Monday last week, Ella and I made this lil concertina doodacky for us to write them on.

I forgot to get a picture of them once we'd written them on, but it was a real team effort. Faith read them out of the kids bible, Dad explained them, Ella wrote the number, and I wrote each one in a short sentence

My crafty helper. Sad she won't be around on Mondays to help me get ready anymore!

What the other 2 monkeys got up to while we were doing our prep....yes, that's Seth with a bare butt!

 And after the lesson we did a bit of cutting, gluing, drawing....trying to get Ella used to following instructions to do a simple task cause these are the sorts of things she'll do in her class at school

I had drawn the middle picture but didn't show it to the girls. I gave them each a piece of blank paper and they had to follow my verbal instructions like 'give your person triangle eyes, give you person rectangle ears and heart earrings', and then at the end we compared pictures


  1. Cute ideas, yet again! Was that the othello board on the table? Man we'll have to have a game one day! Who was playing?

  2. So cool alright. Can't wait to use all your ideas
